Reviews for Sleeping with a Bully
Emoddess chapter 40 . 2/12/2018
I just want to say that I've read book 1 before and I've just finished this and I love it, more so on John and Terry's story! I'm thinking I gotta calm down and let what I read and felt sink in before I start reading on Rohan's story. I like how you let the stories flow for both stories and how you made sure the timelines match with both of it so far (I imagine it's definitely a challenge to do and though I don't know how you did it, I'm glad you completed it with such a good ending! *heart eyes*). Oh and I noticed in one of the author notes in the second story that you mentioned about Hamilton (which is one of the musicals that I loooveee, the name Schuyler in Rohan's story just made me confirmed to myself that it is from Hamilton) and I'm glad someone else like the musical too (it was an awesome musical). Anyway, I just wanna say that I enjoyed reading your stories! Keep up the good work! :)
Lina chapter 40 . 9/22/2017
I don't like Terry so much (don't kill me please), but it was nice to see the guys interact and a little background on Leon and Sophia's relationship. :)
KarasunoFan chapter 39 . 7/17/2017
Imaginary Girl xox chapter 40 . 7/17/2017
I can not wait for the next book in this series. This is easily my favourite series I have read on fiction press and it would be amazing if it could be published
Amelie chapter 40 . 7/17/2017
I'm so sad this is over but can't wait for the next installment!
Ngoc1231 chapter 38 . 7/12/2017
I really liked how you ended this chapter and how things are wrapping up. I like how Terry kinda confronted her brother about what has been happening. And then her confronting John about how they are doing. I do wish that you did do those page breaks or something because I would be thinking that it's one person's point of view but then it ended up being another. I am excited to see why Haru and John are fighting but I can guess over what though. I also appreciate how caring Skull is about Terry which makes me happy that she has others that will look out for her.

I can't wait for the ending of the story!

KarasunoFan chapter 38 . 7/11/2017
1st want to thank you for putting up this chapter while you were putting up with the pain of inflamed wisdom teeth, you poor kid!
2nd wanted to praise you for another job well done!

Hope you are able to get a quick and painless extraction on those nasty wisdom teeth!
Sweetstart chapter 38 . 7/10/2017
Whoa! I read this story in 2 days and it just keeps getting better and better! And skull and John's friendship is adorable...
Post the next chapter soon
KarasunoFan chapter 37 . 7/1/2017
WOW, at first I thought that this recasting of Haru was too much of a 180 but when it came out that their mother suffers from narcissistic personality disorder it became so much more plausible, never thought I would end up liking Haru, but I really do now.
KarasunoFan chapter 36 . 6/24/2017
WOW again this makes me so glad I am old. Why do teenagers so often believe they are completely emotionally responsible for is equal parts egocentric, noble and delusional.
KarasunoFan chapter 35 . 6/24/2017
Intense chapter! I enjoyed it but have one comment to make which is on the lighter side. I am a Rohan-Hannah shipper :) but if your muse says Hannah-Skull then so be it ;p
Ngoc1231 chapter 36 . 6/24/2017
Your cliffhanger man, it's killing me. But I really enjoyed and appreciate the timeline of the story. I think all of the work you put into this is really showing and I'm sorry that you were being pulled and swayed about the story. I've really enjoyed the story and the progression.

I think it's nice to see the different points of view and how Terry and John will react to things so differently. I really do hope to see when Terry tells John like everything because that will be the big defining point of their relationship!

Can't wait for the next update!

KarasunoFan chapter 34 . 6/12/2017
wink right back at you! And a sincere and hearty thanks for continuing this WONDERFUL TALE!
Terry 4EVAH!
KarasunoFan chapter 33 . 6/11/2017
Oh man i started reading this in public. So emotionally charged. 3 people have stopped to ask me if I am okay. My emotional response is a tribute to your talent.
I really enjoy how this chapter added to both the depth of Leon and John
Amelie chapter 34 . 6/10/2017
Lol I love Gerry. Like her way more than Sophia lol
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