Reviews for Vhanaiel
Shela chapter 28 . 10/7/2016
Happy Happy Birthday! :) And much appreciated for giving us the present of another chapter to enjoy. I hope you have a wonderful day!

I swear I get lost among all of the travelling they are doing; im not surprised I confused the south for the north. But now the whole pack has split in an effort to get more people to join in their army. I wonder how this is going to turn out. Will it be a normal sort of war, where two groups of people clash in the middle? Or will this be more of a mental, political war fought with strategy and psychological attacks?

And Vhan is already so mentally worn, I don't know how's he's going to make it through this whole thing. He's holding himself tight as a bowstring. One of these days, he will snap, and it won't be pretty. Hopefully Sharle will be there to help him, and Vhan will accept that help. Only time will tell. :)
basilisk6 chapter 27 . 10/6/2016
Ah, I loved the action in this chapter. Battles are always a delight to read. There's some interesting history between that arcangel and Vhan. She was the one who cut off his wings but was upset when Vhan cut off his braid. Strange.

It's pretty obvious the angels are all a bit like mindless drones that just do as they're told. It's a very dangerous mix when they're ruled by the wrong person. I've always disliked the olden days kind of monarchy, where one person has absolute power. Too often it's to a country's detriment.

I look forward to reading more about Vhan's brilliant plans. Till next time. :)
basilisk6 chapter 26 . 10/6/2016
Ooo, will Sharle end up contracting all the Lords? It sure would be helpful if they had seven of the most powerful demons on their side. I wonder why Vhan just wanted one for now.

I'm so excited to see the serious Vhan, commanding and coming up with battle tactics. I find this side of him to be just as, if not more, interesting than the pleasure seeking nomad side. I wonder what he has planned with the high elves (will they help?) and I can't wait for him to meet Hal again. I also look forward to seeing Leika again.

About the updates, I'm good with keeping it as is. Whatever works best for you is most important. :)
Shela chapter 27 . 10/5/2016
My my. It's always quite a mind game when a "long lost" king decides to fight to reclaim his throne. You could feel the tension in both Sharle and the angels during the fight. But nthign like a good mind game to instill a sense of unease into the angels. I imagine Vhan's sister will have another wonderful reaction to hearing that her brother is coming for her title. I get a feeling that it will be a similar interaction to the first meeting with Halviore in "Leika - that, though her reasons for vengeance are just, the chosen action is not the way to solve the issue.

But anyway. What a nice meeting with the elves. I have not forgotten that Vhan, while still king, had worked to create at least amiable relations with many of the magical races. I imagine their talk will be an interesting one. And what is the plan now that the angels have (at least temporarily) left the northern haven?

As a final note, Sharle should continue to bide his time. The decisive moment in the battle with the angel was not lost on me, and Vhan might have gotten a little more insight into what it took for Sharle to do what he did. But it is still an Everest-sized battle ahead. So he should just play his part, and see what happens after the battle is waged.

Looking forward to more, as always _
Fundle chapter 26 . 10/4/2016
please put as much up as possible! I want it now now now now! I'm sick of waiting for this hurt rollercoaster to end. I don't see a glimmer of hope at all here. I just see madness.
another guest chapter 26 . 10/3/2016
Great to see them ready for action now. I enjoyed the story so far a lot, but I generally prefere it if the psychological element is mixed with action like in Leika. Thank you for the story!
Essie chapter 26 . 10/3/2016
I like the regularity of chapters. It doesnt have to be daily but every few days or a week is good. Something to look forward to always. Long waits cause me to tear my hair out from the anticipation so i prefer not to go bald!
MySecretIndulgences chapter 26 . 10/2/2016
Hmm as for the updating schedule, I'd prefer you keep it as you have, uploading a chapter every couple of days, but whatever you decide will be fine. :)
dimensionrain chapter 26 . 10/2/2016
Ack, poor Sharle. Cold indifference hurts more than anger, that's for sure. And poor Vhan just relived very extensive trauma. I'm imagining the PTSD he must be going through right now on top of the battle ahead and I'm feeling pretty stressed out for him. However I am glad that he is on track to do what is ultimately right for the world and his immortal soul. It made me remember a line from some movie that goes something along the lines of: it's not about living forever, but being able to live with yourself forever. Vhan's right to realize that he would not be able to ever make peace with himself if he continued to run and hide. And oooh, north haven. We'll be seeing Halviore and Leika soon then?

Let's see, updates... I wouldn't mind a one or two day gap between chapters just to give me time to reread and ruminate, which I often do. And to keep that feeling of anticipation.
Shela chapter 26 . 10/2/2016
Ohhhh, this is going to be so good! Everything is riding so high at this point: Vhan's pain, Sharle's grief. But Vhan has remembered his oath and he is on the path to finding a way to protect that magic he held dear. Was the intention that Sharle would call all (three?) of the high lords to assist? So nice of them to offer a contract sans payment, since Sharle is working towards their own goals. Let's see what happens when reunions are realized and the first battles are waged. :)

As far as updating, a little suspense doesn't hurt too much. So maybe a chapter every other day or so? That would give time to think and debate over the goings on of the previous chapter - since a lot has a tendency to happen, and you don't really grasp its true importance until you've gone over the details several times. that's my opinion though. I would not dislike all the chapters at once. I just wouldn't get any sleep lol
Shela chapter 25 . 10/1/2016
I am away for the weekend and thus cannot expound as much as I would like. Suffice it to say that I an a bit stunned by Vhan's reappearance. He seems sufficiently shaken by having to relive his pain. I look forward to his rebirth.
basilisk6 chapter 25 . 9/30/2016
I don't have any particular thoughts or questions about this chapter. Clearly what Sharle did was effective and Vhan is preparing to face this war. I'm looking forward to what he's going to tell his pack, and if he talks to the dragon again.
dimensionrain chapter 24 . 9/28/2016
Oh god, why? I mean, I know why but... :(
Well, if I had skipped directly from the first chapter to this one then yes, Sharle would look like a violent psychopath who needs to be locked up forever. But we know that he loves Vhan and that he has certain obligations to fulfill, gives this violence context. It still doesn't look good for him, at least that's how I feel, only because there's no way this could possibly look good. It's brutal, ugly and sad, but ultimately, necessary for the greater good of the entire world. It's unfortunate for Sharle to have gained some trust from Vhan, only to use it in this manner. How can they be on speaking terms ever again?
MySecretIndulgences chapter 24 . 9/26/2016
I can't comment except to say this chapter, and the ones leading right up to it, have left me wordless.
basilisk6 chapter 24 . 9/26/2016
Yay, fast update! So was this chapter the scenario that Asemodea spoke about, where Vhan would offer his heart to Sharle? For some reason I thought this would happen really late in the story, but it makes complete sense here, with Vhan using it to barter for his continued freedom. No wonder Sharle had to reject it.

I loved Vhan's descriptions of the beauty of nature and how it's at its best when left on its own. There's a kind of magic to it (its own type of magic). I immediately thought of some of the photos I've seen of Chernobyl, where nature has reclaimed it, despite the contamination. It's amazing.

The last part of this chapter was totally unexpected. For Sharle to physically harm Vhan like that was unthinkable. I imagine the dragon saw this would happen and was referring to this when he was warning Vhan. I don't quite understand how this is supposed to help Sharle's cause, but I'm sure it'll be apparent in future chapters. Right now, it just seems like torture. I wonder if any of the pack heard the screams and will come running. If yes, there's going to be a nasty fight and I don't know if Sharle will be able to keep his promise of not hurting them.

Thank you for the almost back-to-back update. I can't wait to see how Vhan will be after having his scars torn open. O_O Until next time.
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