Reviews for Saving the World Means Marrying a Alien? (Short-Story, Complete!)
the aspiring cynic chapter 15 . 11/19/2016
Enjoyed this immensely. It was rather short for my tastes and the plot seemed kinda rushed at times but it was sweet all the same. Honestly I'm probably a sucker for this type of trope - aliens needing mates from human females.

I think it would have been very interesting if you fleshed out the culture of Almikane a bit more. Maybe explored their culture and history a bit more (I'm always a fan of world-building).

The romance was very sweet but I felt like it was a tad bit unrealistic? I would have expected a bit more a fight between Emma and Keiran especially in the beginning of the relationship. Emma was just so passive and a little too accepting in my opinion.

I also liked that you introduced other characters like Yumi and Trisha and their respective mates - it would have been interesting to see the other women's perspectives on their new "marriages".

Thanks for the story! I definitely enjoyed it.
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