Reviews for A Kiss of Crimson (Little Red Book 1)
dipsydoodle1 chapter 19 . 2/28/2017
Werewolf! Here I was thinking Asher was a vampire also. Well now that everything is perfect for Sadie, I'm sure it will all go to hell in a hand basket. Heh
dipsydoodle1 chapter 16 . 2/25/2017
She's in for plenty of surprises if she hangs with Byron and the vampires for long. Enjoying this story.
Reader chapter 9 . 2/23/2017
I'm confused. Has dance macabre been completed? And is this set before, during or after?
dipsydoodle1 chapter 14 . 2/23/2017
Excellent chapter for obvious reasons. They are finally moving the relationship forward. Byron is a sweetheart...for a vampire. Heh
dipsydoodle1 chapter 9 . 2/18/2017
Ok! Glad he made a decision. Let the games begin! Heh
dipsydoodle1 chapter 6 . 2/16/2017
The cat's out of the bag. So I assume he avoided her for so long to try to spare her. Not sure I'd want Asher setting me up with his friends since he's probably a vampire also.
dipsydoodle1 chapter 3 . 2/16/2017
Enjoying this story quite a bit. Sooo, the night before wasn't the first time he'd noticed her. Hmmm.