Reviews for Anomalies
Ckh chapter 1 . 10/1/2017
It would be good to put a line break before the introduction of the two girls. As it stands, their introduction is a little abrupt.

Apart for some tense errors here and there, this was a good piece. David's fascination with electricity is well captured and as a first chapter, you accomplished your job of setting up the main characters.

To address the guy who complained about cliches:
Its still the first chapter. How good a story is depends on its execution. We have yet to see the author write the later chapters, so we shouldn't be too quick to judge yet.
shika-paprika chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
Interesting plot, though, I did find it a little confusing at first. Davis seems like a likable character, but it would've been nice to see a little more of his personality. As for the two women appearing near the end, it will be interesting to see how they'll interact with Davis. I would've liked to see more character tags(ex: "the frizzy-haired girl", "the hazel-eyed man"), little, descriptive tags to distinguish the characters. Instead of just referring to Davis as "he." But this is a good start so far. Hopefully, you'll consider continuing it. If not, it was still a nice read.
useyourname chapter 1 . 4/8/2017
Just by reading this I already know what's gonna happen next. Pretty sure this is some another cliche story that readers are so tired of reading. Plot's making me nauseous and the names of the character are overused. I rate it -1/10
XRanz chapter 1 . 2/22/2017
Very well written, hit me on my sweet spot. Keep it up bro :)
dontwearbacon chapter 1 . 2/11/2017
Very well written, I would definitely read a chapter two, although you might want to develop the plot a little more so you don't get stuck after a few chapters.
deleteaccount12345 chapter 1 . 2/11/2017
Please don't give uo on this story. It truly is amazing so far. I love the characters and the background, and for some weird reason i can relate, since i absolutely LOVE storms! Just as i love this story! I hope to see a new chappie soon:)