Reviews for These Wicked Games
Yess chapter 1 . 1/15/2019
Wish they wouldve had more moments with dom but definitely needed more phrases for their faces and eye descriptions or just less of a description on their eyes when they look at each other awesome story tho
Mrs. Awesomesauceness chapter 1 . 6/28/2017
So I was hesitant at first but there was so much female positive sexuality that I actually became really okay with all 3 characters. Really appreciate you writing about this since it is a rarity.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/6/2017
I tried to like this story, but I couldn't get past the repetitive phrasing. Yes, Tris has chocolate coloured orbs and Julian has pale blue ones and smiles frame faces, but it became quite frustrating to read. If you write in microsoft word, I suggest you read through and write down the phrases you use most, then do a key word search and change some of the wording. Other than that, pretty good piece.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/31/2017
This was a really good story enjoyed it so much. Hope you write more.
Patricia Zimmer chapter 1 . 5/24/2017
I loved this story, didn't want it to end. It was very hot.