Reviews for For the Unknown Soldier
WJosephusW chapter 1 . 6/14/2022
I am devoid of elegant speech, so masterful and powerful are these words.
MagicalPhoenix12 chapter 1 . 10/18/2021
An epitaph:
Deep in the ground, in the earth he marked his own,
still lies his soul somewhere, wandering forth.
With blood, with love, with hate, with life he paid his loan,
to his motherland, estranged to judgement for his worth.

Who knows what pushed him forth, in the trenches deep,
Who knows what pulled him out, of the pit of life.
He knew not what glory, what future he did reap,
But he sure knew a life, and a death, with misery rife.
Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn chapter 1 . 7/18/2020
A most profoundly thought provoking poem that speaks volumes towards a debt owed such men that can never be repaid, but must also never be forgotten ...

Excellent message well done ...

Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn