Reviews for Divinitas
opheliagrac111 chapter 1 . 2/6
I read your story, and I really liked it! I appreciate the effort you put into it, and I want to work on it just as passionately. As a comic commission artist, I want to convert your story into a comic. I also have some ideas that I’d love to share with you.
Contact info:
Discord: opheliagrace111
Best regard,
amabeck25 chapter 1 . 2/4
I loved your story and would be honored to bring it to life as a comic! I have some exciting ideas to share and would love to collaborate. Let’s make something amazing together!

Discord: amabeck

Best regards,
AnimeLover321 chapter 1 . 9/2/2017
So good!
CrimsonClover26 chapter 1 . 12/12/2016
I love this story it's so different than all the others I like how you've really gone out there and even though it's not one would call a fully functioning relationship between the two I think it really worksorry. I was so sad when I got a new phone because I realised I hadn't put it in my favs and I'd forgotten what it was called but I remembered pheonix I'm glad I put it in my favs this time please don't stop writing your really good x
HouseOfJack chapter 20 . 12/9/2016
The collar chain with Phoenix went to far in my opinion.
HouseOfJack chapter 19 . 12/9/2016
Despite the fact no one would go against Aether I still think someone should've said something, anything really, about how things have been going on.
HouseOfJack chapter 15 . 12/9/2016
I hope that you cut him some slack eventually.
Shiina chapter 10 . 9/17/2016
Oh my god! This is so fucked up! Why would you make Phoenix attracted to someone who hurt him like that and treats him like a dog?! I thought Phoenix was better than this, I'm so disappointed...
I don't think I'll be countinuing, I get so effing mad, it's not good for my health.
Shiina chapter 8 . 9/17/2016
Why is Phoenix comparing love to ownership?! You don't own someone you love like Aether seem to think!
Shiina chapter 7 . 9/17/2016
I personally think the skimpy outfits are completely unnecessary. My second hand embarassement/discomfort is distracting me from what's going on. Can't concentrate.
My theory so far is that the Principal is evil and that the Sacrifices are made to 'vanish' but are actually killed in a some evil sacrifice to grant the Principal immortality... or something like that... Am I totally wrong? Ahahah
Shiina chapter 4 . 9/17/2016
Well Phoenix and Aether's relationship is domestic abuse in the making. I mean Aether obviously wants Phoenix but he fucking cut him with a fucking katana, what does that say about him?
And kids being treated as property as an actual rule?! Jesus... I mean they are called 'scarifices' like they're actually things to be used and not people. I'm just as outraged as Phoenix. I can't stand when adults, in stories where the MCs are kids, condone violence, bullying and abuse; let the kids get hurt like it's no big deal when they could and should be preventing it.
Guest chapter 15 . 7/24/2015
*pfft*. . . "Throbbing genitals",

That sounds real sexy.
Guest chapter 72 . 6/3/2015
Here comes the hateful anon.

All I can say is : this chapter is so gross. Make up and make out is that what this chapter is ? I thought there will be a complicated problem solving thingy. Heh, typical.
Guest chapter 71 . 6/3/2015
I thought that this fiction will be a little rational. Eventhough it's a 'fiction'. The word Masochist made me laugh, really. Some twisted plot where the stud is s and twinks is m ? It's not even funny, you knew no human would take pleasure from pain. Even if there is, they just want to look cool and different from other people. I was expecting phoenix to have a change of personality after that forty-what incident. And their relationship, it's a cycle. I'm kinda getting bored. Gore then sex gore sex gore sex gore sex. I don't even see 'romance'.

Eventhough Phoenix is a Divine being, he WAS a human before. He understood pain, and the cause of it. Aether abused him but he kept his character so well it's not even normal, even if he crave another affection, he should have denied it not deny-then-accept-and-deny it. What I mean Deny is Deny. Like how you would deny if someone told you to kill your mother.

I don't mind if this story ending would be bad or cliffhanger but, you seriously have to change their personality. Someone just can't stand being physically abused over and over again, and to retain their mind! That's really not normal. That's all.

I like the story plot exclude too much blood. The writer here gotta pity phoenix more by making him lose his mind and just suicide himself. By that, Aether would feel eternal anguish by what he had caused. I love this kind of ending, making a certain someone felt guilty.
Guest chapter 45 . 6/1/2015
I do not like the overly gore of each chapter. By logic, phoenix would have died many times by blood loss.
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