Reviews for You are..." "I am..."
mistressKC chapter 1 . 8/2/2004
I loved this poem... and I can also relate... your cousin seems to be a wonderful person who encourages you and sort like that. And thanks for reviewing my song 'Morning Star'... I'm glad someone was able to get the message I wanted to give out throough the song... tnx again!
kristhegreat chapter 1 . 2/5/2004
aww... love it! i like the style to, how it started with a conversation... very touching. Good job!
xo0Jayne0ox chapter 1 . 1/7/2003
Didn't like it
star65 chapter 1 . 9/5/2002
Your cousin is a fantastic person to have inspired such beautiful thoughts and poetry. For the good qualities too, brava.
Princess Cora chapter 1 . 8/29/2002
This is great too... you know, I think I'm going to have to go read all your poems now because this and the song... Wow.

Why can't I write stuff like this? ~PC
BehrBeMine chapter 1 . 10/9/2001
Insightful and truthful. I can relate to this poem, and the idea of it is protrayed very well through your words.