Reviews for Snowflakes
Taint.Me.Sweet chapter 12 . 11/15/2002
Hey this story is really good! i love Justin's character even though you really don't here about him much, he's the mysterious gayish guy, i love rupert too. And yes i'm thinking since you said there will be rape in chapters to come i think Josh will rape Xander.

Kepp up the great work!
Talaquinn chapter 11 . 11/1/2002
wow, really great story. hope there will be more...
RandomGal chapter 11 . 10/6/2002
EHHHHH? What the...? *I'M CONFUSED!* O_o Where's the next can't leave me hanging like this!
Yumiko chapter 11 . 9/29/2002
It is extremely not nice to leave a cliff hanger at the end of a chapter...

So hurry up!

NoName8owq chapter 11 . 9/27/2002
NO! Now I just have to read everything all over again! I need to kow what will happen! I need to know!
RandomGal chapter 10 . 9/21/2002
What a nice chapter! YAY!

Anyway I know how you feel! I also get a lot of homework! It takes me FOREVER...just like you! But keep up the good work! :)
NoName8owq chapter 10 . 9/20/2002
I have been waiting so long and now I have to wait more? Oh, and cross country isn't so bad, I joined it too, though I don't know how I'm supposed to get everything else done! Anyways please keep writing this GREAT fic!
RandomGal chapter 9 . 9/10/2002
MORE, MORE, MORE! Sorry, I don't mean to sound pushy...but I just LOVE your story! :)
mne chapter 9 . 9/7/2002
this was areally great chappie! Please write more, I still need to figue out who's in love with who here, it seems like everyone loves quin, but I hope it's rupert who get's him in the end. Josh is my fav. charector though, he's really cool!
GlacierFlame chapter 9 . 9/5/2002
Really wondering now... Who will Quin end up with? Hurry! I hafta know! NOW!
NoName8owq chapter 9 . 8/29/2002
I have been waiting so long, and this is such a great dissapointment. I mean I thought that something interesting was goin-GOTCHA! I just simply loved this chapter and please don't keep me waiting so long for another chapter!
Ehem chapter 8 . 8/25/2002
I have been waiting for like an entire month for the next chapter!Where is it! *sobs quietly*
RandomGal chapter 8 . 8/12/2002
HURRAY! More chapters! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! :) Keep up the great work!
NoName8owq chapter 8 . 8/12/2002
I LOVE sooo goooood. I just can't wait until you write more, I simply must know who Quin's other half is going to be! Is it Jutin...Josh...or Rupert? I simply must know and soon! I really liked it and I hope he goes for Josh! Also what about his twin? I hope she finds someone! Luv it and please write more chapters! o
Excuse me chapter 8 . 8/6/2002
When you start a good thing you must keep Updating it to keep the readers enterest over the MONTHS that it takes for you to finally finish it,in Other words...

Where the frick is the next chapter!

I'm drooling over the fic, but do I get a new chapter to read?

No, and I'm not too happy about it.
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