Reviews for The Christmas Story - The Truth!
natali w chapter 1 . 8/28/2006
i can't believe you would actually have the guts to cuss in something that you are using the Bible in... and to twist it like you have the right... it was written like that for a reason... IT"S HOW IT HAPPENED!
Snowflake chapter 1 . 8/14/2002
that was hilarious! im not really meant to enjoy that cuz im an catholic but i luv it!
Z. E. Grockle chapter 1 . 8/5/2002
Yea! I have now officaly reviewed all of ur HP fics and all of ur originals (several times, some of them) does that get me on ur list of faithful reviewers? Oh, yeah, the story's LOL funny. (i believe one of my Raindrops Rosebuds reviews best describes how funny u r) I gotta go add u 2 my list of fav authors now (the top of the list), buh bye

Snowfaries Lions

Zoiy Grockle
Indigo Ziona chapter 1 . 8/2/2002
Hehehe :) I'm probably not supposed to find that funny (being a Christian an all ;) ) but I like it lots, not really blasphemous and with a good touch of humanity... hehe, yeah I can imagine Mary greeting Gabriel 'Not you again!' after the last time he showed up she got pregnant :) hehehehehe... Yup, I'm certain this is exactly how it would have turned out if humans had been in charge :)
Thomas Paxton chapter 1 . 12/17/2001
Here is some Philosophy for you: Not all angels were once human. Anyway aside from the fact that this was sacreligios, it was funny. Nice job!
Rabid Locust chapter 1 . 12/17/2001
That was soooo funny! HA! HA! HA!
neko-chan chapter 1 . 12/16/2001
OMG that was hilarious!

I wonder how many religios peeps got all insulted... fun! _
draicana who cant be bothered signing in because shes lazy chapter 1 . 12/16/2001
hehehehe! funnee! id write a longer review hun, but my massage therapist is about to arrive...god, i sound like a snob, lol!
Tomono chapter 1 . 12/16/2001
That was hillarius! and please...don't forget to read my storied too_