Reviews for Fire and Ice
Midnights Sorrow chapter 11 . 9/8/2004
u must update!
Ellie chapter 11 . 9/7/2004
Normally I don't review - I'm one of those dorks that most authors dislike because I don't make my appreciation for their stories known. I figured I'd review more once I got myself my own account here on , but whatever.
I wanted to say that I really like your story. It's something that a few of us can relate to ... especially with the whole father/daughter things. I started to cry when Cindy was hit by her father - even though she was a bit indifferent. Thank God for her brother with her, and with characters like Tom, it makes me wish I was the younger child with an older brother.
I don't have complaints about the story, and if I did, I don't remember them now. It's good. Can't wait for the update. .;
I'll review again.
P.S - JC sounds hot; thankfully for me, he doesn't remind me of the NSYNC singer. LOL But then, my views on NSYNC are simply my views, just in case you're a fan of his and took offense. ;D
Tsukinani chapter 11 . 9/6/2004
This is good, update soon ne?
We could be gone
Hyacintha chapter 11 . 8/7/2004
Hm... I got a concussion before... and it hurts as hell... It's intresting... but did you have to make the chapter so short? or is it me? HURRY UP WITH THE NEXT CHAPTER!
~*Letting Images flow into words is
depth chapter 11 . 8/4/2004
hm wow. that is all i can say lol
really well written, i like the plot a lot, and i DEFINITELY cant wait o see what happens to cindy. so, keep up the awesome work, and update soon!
RainySunshine chapter 11 . 8/4/2004
Great story so far. Update soon!
lool chapter 11 . 7/29/2004
I really like the plot of the story, it's been done before, but you put a nice twist on it. It's very realistic, and I can't wait for the next chapter!
sapofbks2008 chapter 11 . 7/18/2004
I love your story so far. I can't wait for more to come. I hope you update soon. I want to find out what happens next.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/17/2004
yay i get to b the 361 reviewer
i jus wanna say that i like ur story
mono chapter 11 . 7/17/2004
i usually don't review...but i just lv it so much.i'd lv to see more romantic scenes between JC and plz *update* son~
MaestroGal chapter 11 . 7/7/2004
Hey F & I is quite interesting..
its very well written..
i think emira has a point in saying it would be out of character for tom to not be protective of cindy...
however i think emira may have not understood the point that dead fish was elaborating on...
i think that when dead fish was saying tom's confrontation being 'out of character', they were referring that its not in tom's character to stand up to his father, and not of his 'protectiveness' of cindy...
afterall, i got impression that he was intimidated by his father as he begged cindy to not tell him about the truth...
anyways, enough said. there could be afew clarifications in terms of the characters but overall, well done...
its great
amira chapter 11 . 7/5/2004
i love this story! it's written really well. but yeah, contrary to what some of your reviewers think, i didn't find Tom's confrontation with his father out of character. He seemed protective of Cindy from the very first chapter, so i actually think despite the recent turn of events - with the suspension scandal and all - it would be out of character for Tom *not* to come to Cindy's rescue.
I hope you update soon! Maybe since school's out?
Adyna O'Riley chapter 11 . 7/5/2004
I hope ur next update comes quick. im hooked. Love it though.
pillowfighter chapter 2 . 7/5/2004
please visit my bio if you have time and read the recommendations that i've listed
pillowfighter chapter 1 . 7/4/2004
i read your bio and how you said that just by merely demanding updates, readers would not give you incentive to continue. So i'll point out the pro's and con's of 'Fire and Ice' to the extent of knowledge, however i must say that my criticisms may not be entirely legitimate.
You have established some semi-deep characters and allow the reader to draw within their thought processes.
You have kept a mono-protagonist dialogue which is exceptional, but thats because i'm against the changing P.O.V's of characters as it eliminates the appealing mystique of a tale. It's either mono or third person. you are very descriptive in your language when referring to emotional dialogue. You incorporate semi themes within your tale as to add further emphasis to the dilemma of the protagonist (Cindy's speech in the beginning).
The reader is never quite introduced to Cindy's family conflicts until her dads abrupt so-called abuse. it could be improved if you were to describe it abit more unless you didn't want it to be a main theme. Cindy and JC's relationship formed too rapid but maybe that was because when you described it, it seemed rushed. and one last thing, i found that Tom's confrontation of his father was unprecedented and un-characterized. Maybe you could hint and develope tom's character further.
ANYhows that's just me , however pro's definately outweigh the con's and though the story is slipping dangerously cliche, combined with a well written author, it works exceptionally well!
do continue...
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