Reviews for Fire and Ice
WeX chapter 11 . 7/4/2004
To be honest, this story had a bit of a slow start. I kept at it because I saw the number of reviews and 360 plus people can't all be wrong. Besides that, the character of Cindy was intriguing and I love a good teen romance-and I thought that was all it was. To tell you the truth I can't tell you when it turned that corner to being fascinatingly good fiction. The characters are well rounded (though I have to say Cindy and JC never give each other a chance-though I suppose that's how all good teen romances must go) and this addition of the abuse just rounds out this story perfectly. You're a good writer and an excellent story teller, so..update. :)
pillowfighter chapter 11 . 7/1/2004
man i've been reading fire and Ice since more than 2 years ago and whenever i go to fictionpress i always go check on it to see if there are any updates. it was only recently that i joined up myself. anyways know that you have an abundance of fans of your stories out there...worldwide... so keep writing and sharing your talent
soccerplaya chapter 11 . 6/28/2004
ok please please keep updating! i love your story and i think you are a really great writer and i hope you write more soon because i am dying to know what jc does when he finds out cindy's dad hit her, especially since he told her she would get what was coming to her. please keep going!
BoredomKills0620 chapter 11 . 6/27/2004
Hey!Cool story!I like it a lot!I really can't wait for the next chappie.!I'm not sure what to make of Tom, confusing.A total ass one minute and the best person on the planet the I think I like is pretty cool I guess,although in the beginning she WAS a bit of a ,I hope you don't mind but I kind of replace her name(i.e.,Jacinda Kaydaleigh,Cindy Kayda,&Cinds Kay).Not sure why I do but...Anyway .!I also think JC sounds good-looking!ROWR!Lol...I'm really enjoying this story & will be anticipating the next update!
God Bless,
Chelsea aka Freshman .
Jess chapter 11 . 6/26/2004
Interesting! Sad to know some parents do abuse their own child. Please continue!
babydoll-007 chapter 11 . 6/26/2004
you made my day when i saw that this was updated! this chapter has gotten me to like tom again...i'm so fickle! and i cringed when it was obvious that jc probably figured out what was going on in the hospital. although, i'm thinking this will somehow pull the two of them together, so i'm all for it. and you wrote the scenes with her father well. it's a sensitive subject, but you delivered it as well as could be expected. oh, and congradulations on graduating high school!
tigress33 chapter 11 . 6/25/2004
wow, interesting story. I can't decide if i like Cindy or not...she's great one second and a awful the next. But this is such a great juxaposition. in any case, keep up the great work.
Angel Magic chapter 11 . 6/25/2004
I Love It! it's very deep and insighted! even that is an understatement! it really makes you think! please continue soon!
purple sea chapter 11 . 6/25/2004
Zeina chapter 11 . 6/25/2004
I like this story. Hopefully, it wont take you forever to update again.
Meliscellaneous chapter 11 . 6/24/2004
I really am enjoying this story a lot! cant wait to read more! ]
Kyandoru chapter 11 . 6/24/2004
you cant just end it like that! i was crying! damnit i wanna know what happens next! come on its just too good to just stop it there! how could you do that? upate soon!
Aidrianna chapter 11 . 6/24/2004
i enjoyed that chapter greatly. her father's a bastard though. *shrugs* but then look at my story. thank you for updating, i was wondering if you'd forgotten about us again. i know how it is with graduation, although i don't have much of a social life. but yay for coming through for your readers, we do appreciate it so.
Veiled Dicast chapter 11 . 6/24/2004
Congradulations on completing a hellish year, god knows that stress sucks! I'm so glad that you found the time to update! I positively ADORE this story! Update soon!
Death Princess chapter 11 . 6/24/2004
Ok now i can actually see the logic in tht since my dad did that pccasionally 2 and that didnt mke him abusive... my daddy was a saint! lol ok gettin off the point now. basiclly wen i red this chppie i hd 2 actually go bk an check on the prv. chappie since id actually 4gotten the plot lol! meaning IT TUK U AGES 2 UPDATE WOMAN! tho i understand why u didnt since hey i go thru the sme problem onli thing is i dunt rite! anywayz basiclly this fic is DA BOMB! LOL so UPDATE SOON!
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