Reviews for Fire and Ice
brittle hearts chapter 3 . 8/15/2006
This is starting to get really interesting!
brittle hearts chapter 2 . 8/15/2006
It's great how this chapter established a lot more about Cindy. :)
brittle hearts chapter 1 . 8/15/2006
Very pretty first chapter. I loved it. :)
goodbyemylover chapter 12 . 8/3/2006
pleasee update!
KatLilly86 chapter 12 . 6/19/2006
This story is really interesting. I think it was really realistic the way that Cindy first sided with her bro and then defended the truth and JC. I'm very very curious to see how the next meeting between Cindy and JC pans out though. So... UPDATE SOON!
KatLilly86 chapter 1 . 6/19/2006
Oh.. intriguing start! I can't wait to see what happens... I'm already hooked since the moment I realized that that was a creative assignment and the whole notebook thing. I could totally relate.
AshKing89 chapter 12 . 6/8/2006
cool i really like the feelings and side comments in the story. keep if you could check out my new story "Whats he after" sometime i think i would enjoy hearing your imput on the 1st chapter.

Thanks C.P.
special chapter 12 . 4/6/2006
wow. this story is awesome. your writing style is really interesting, namely in the first chapter. well, awesome job and UPDATE SOON!'s been almost a year. good think i just started reading this today. i would have gone crazy by now. lol. keep it up!

SolisLuna chapter 12 . 4/2/2006
SoraCaedes chapter 1 . 3/26/2006
I LOVE YOUR STORY! but way to leave it on a cliff hanger! Ahh it's driving me nuts! please, please PLEASE UPDATE! JC sounds like a total hottie, and wut was he doing at te hospital? omg UPDATE!
kiernan chapter 12 . 3/20/2006
Your story is great! I've been reading it since you started posting...Update!
Elidhu chapter 12 . 3/11/2006
Its really brilliant no seriously it is so whats going to hapen next nobody knows. LOL. XBethX
LlamaLlamaDuckie chapter 12 . 3/3/2006
i know you havent wrote in a while but please update - it's a fantastic story and id really like to see how it ends... i know your probably busy but just please update soon! its amazing, siobhan x
c'est moi chapter 12 . 2/27/2006
its an awesome story (i know you knew that, but i just thought i would tell you.) and i really really really want you to update it!
LazyAssGirlWhoAcesHerTests chapter 12 . 2/25/2006
Wow... so dramatic... that's what I like_ The thing is, it makes me want to cry on some of the sad parts in the story. I hope you finish Fire and Ice!
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