Reviews for All That Should've Never Happened
GoddessofBlue chapter 10 . 6/9/2002
heyyyy i really like this. especially chapter 10... she reminds me of my mom. grrrrr heh. yeah, this story kicks ass.. majorily. good job. keep writing
systemcatalyst chapter 10 . 5/12/2002
the mom in this story is scarily close to my own.
Roz chapter 10 . 5/10/2002
You reviewed my story so i'm returning the favour. I really don't know what to say but i guess since you've read my diary - you know. If it helps in any way, keep writing. i do and it helps me. I know exactly what you mean about disassociation - "I'm all alone, but i'm in a crowded room, i'm sinking in quicksand tonight", i get that feeling all the time. Just hang on a little longer, if i can do it - so can you. Trust me.

"And my world falls down, and you're there calling out, but its something i can't say, though it seems the only way, but its a game that i can't play - not today..." Natalie Imbruglia, left of the middle.
jack's wasted life chapter 1 . 4/24/2002
i don't know if you care or not but you left a review on my story 'shadowed perfection' saying you'd like to read more so i'm just informing you that it's been updated.

thanks for the review. *_*
Alethia chapter 10 . 4/20/2002
I like this a lot so far. Her mom doesn't sound very nice. I don't think writing on your jeans is a sign you're going to go shoot up a school.

Thank you for reviewing my novel by the way.
InkedinSin chapter 8 . 4/7/2002
hm..interesting...funny and 8 cracked me up...but yet deals with shit...does writting it out helps u or it's just for fun?
Carey chapter 7 . 4/4/2002
The chapters are too short but it's good.
Victoria chapter 6 . 2/6/2002
I have to agree life does in fact suck. I like this story - it reminds me a lot of my friend Becca. I wouldn't be suprised if she wrote this story. Any way I think that this is a great story. Well at least better then all the stupid N' suck fans who write about having their first kiss with Justin Timberlake.
besogne chapter 6 . 1/31/2002
thank you for writing this.
Jan chapter 3 . 1/24/2002
Man, does this bring back some memories... I'm a schizophrenic too and I know what you're talking about, about the parents and the voices.. it was just so hard for me. My teacher found a journal of mine and read it, said he wanted to help me, and called my mother. She basically went into a state of denial and thought I was doing this to get attention. Both sides of my family have mental illnesses and that's just a double-whamee for me. I remember that night my teach called and my mother asked me, "You hear a voice in your head? Is it EVIL?" but I felt so embarrassed and couldn't tell her anything. I had told my friends and they were supportive, most of the time at least. But, one person I told ran around telling everybody in my school and he would say that he hoped they'd put me in a padded room.. it was all so crazy. The voice in my head, Jon, would beat me, call me the most degrading names, and demand I slit my wrists. I would get paranoia and fear that my teacher was trying to get me. And the bad part about that is my teacher has taken a sudden liking to me, made me his little pet, and plays sick and twisted mind games with me. He wants me to be like a little doll for him, to be smart and witty and never FUCK-up and when i wasn't the way he wanted me to be he'd lash out at me in front of my class. Right now he's backed off and Jon has backed off too but still it lingers. I also, after becoming fed-up with Jon, went on the internet looking up schizophrenia and finding I had almost all the symptoms and so sad that the suicide rate was so high. Well, to sum it all up, I guess I wanna say that I'm able to read something that I can relate to. Thanx. :)
SilverGoddess2 chapter 3 . 1/14/2002
hmmm that's interesting... cant wait to
Solitary Soul chapter 1 . 1/12/2002
yes, i ahve 12 chapters already written, so ur in luck. i just need to type them. this is a true story, of meeeee.
Midnight Hour chapter 1 . 1/11/2002
i like the opening chapter. please write more
SilverGoddess2 chapter 1 . 1/11/2002
hmmmm that's really interesting... you ARE writing more, right? you better write more :) yes! i am demanding dagnabbit! i hate it whenever i read something and nobody ever finishes it :- oh well... finish it! :)
