Reviews for Slipknot
Kenny Deheart chapter 3 . 5/19/2010
chapter 3 lukas secret seems to be corrupted
anon chapter 3 . 3/29/2010
there's something wrong with this chapter. I'm not sure if I should try and read from the second chapter and try to pick it up. Please fix it! You can't really read a story without the first chapter!
DeadlyPinkPuchu chapter 10 . 4/2/2007
chapter ten is also defective!

oh, I feel the need to be emo now.
DeadlyPinkPuchu chapter 3 . 4/2/2007
chapter one is defective! not showing up! ah -panics- !

... -coughs- ahem. I mean.. yeah. Chapter one is kapooey. ...I hope I can get it by starting on ch.2 :(
reader chapter 1 . 3/5/2006
its a good story i remember reading some of it before but now that i've come back to reading it all some of the chapters are messed up. the prologue and chapter 1 and also chapter 10(delhpi's quest) and onwards till the end chapter. can you please fix it. and you dont have this story on your website. please fix.
nishi chapter 16 . 6/19/2003
ah, I hate it! not the story, it was good, but the way you make your chars so weird, if I was Kai I would be so mad that my master didn't pay attention to me!
frizzy chapter 16 . 6/16/2003
I hope that there is a sequel. I love this story. Keep up the great work! Brilliant!
galford340 chapter 16 . 7/17/2002
Man this was one long fic but it was very good hey write a sequel! Please that' be soo cool but still I love the original's best! And this is very good and well writen, Ja!
Hwoarang Girl chapter 16 . 4/26/2002
*waves bye bye to the ficcie*

I'll miss this!

I'll look forward to 'the dragon prince' and more of your fics! Yayz! I'm gonna write a new ficcie cos I got a new computer and so all my current ones are still on the old one, therefore I cannot resume with any of them until the old one is put up and all myw riting is saved to disk and saved on this one (DILEMMA! AHH!)

Kush & Cii: T_T We're...stuck...?

*nods slowly then huggles both to death* Sorry guys...

Well look forward to seeing more from you!

take care! Luv,

~ H.G and the Adeirrans who are stuck! ~
Sapphire Weapon chapter 16 . 4/25/2002
*cries* It's over! It's all over! ; _ ; ...But at least Laural, Luka and Sylus return in the sequel, which I'll be very eagerly waiting for _

*sigh* But at least it was a happy ending...even though I can't help feeling sorry for Laural, still (and VERY sorry for Thain...)

Now! Sequel! Write!
xiaodxh chapter 15 . 4/20/2002
Don't leave me like this! Is there a sequeal to this? It would be great if there was one on Luka and his decendents(hope I spelled that right).

Anyway... it's really sparking ideas for me.
xiaodxh chapter 14 . 4/20/2002
This is really great. I mean REALLY great! I really like this a lot and I can't wait to finish it.
Hwoarang Girl chapter 15 . 4/18/2002

That was so cool, Laural was so funny! He's so cool _ hahaha.

I really can't believe that there's only the epilogue to go! T_T nevermind, I'll be looking forward to that and to your upcoming writing (I'm presuming [and hoping] there's more to come _)

Meanwhile, I'm busy writing about my lil' Adeirrans and I got a new lil one to finish and put up... heehee *twiddles fingers menacingly*

Kush & Cii: O_O;;;;

~ H.G. ~
Sapphire Weapon chapter 15 . 4/18/2002
Yay, it IS gonna be a happy ending! And we finally found out who Delphi was in love with, as well... _

I'm gonna miss these characters when the story is finished... ; _ ;
Hwoarang Girl chapter 14 . 4/16/2002
T_T rest in peace Thain!

That was SO sad... awww! Poor lil' guy...

Ciira: Hey, at least he died with his love by his side...

*Sighs all round*

Glad I didn't miss too much whilst I was in France!

This is SO great! It's so good to see that you have set free and made the main couple split (through death, of course) and it was so heartwrenching! I promise I'll write more, plus I'm doing another story I thought up of whilst in Paris (maybe I should try finishing off previous stories soon, lol)

You are a BRILLIANT writer, so always remember that if anyone tries to tell you different! _

Kushro: _

Ciira: _; I told him not to eat that rubber sausage and slimy mah the Nuns fed us... *sighs* ...always ignoring me...

The cooking was ... but atleast the Nuns were lovely...

And Paris has given me EXCELLENT story ideas with... coupling in...

Ciira: *raises eyebrow* ...

*_* Heehee...

kushro: _ est ce peut...quitté... la tablier...

Cii & HG: ...That phrase will haunt us for the rest of our lives... -_-

Take care, luv ya!

~ H.G. ~

Bon soir! _ Au Revoir!
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