Reviews for Operation Cross Dress
emerald veil chapter 1 . 2/20/2015
In response to the author's commentary at the very beginning, I'd like to point out that there's no rule that says that just because the author is a female, that means she can't write from a male POV.

Writing from a POV that is far from the author's own way of thinking means that the author is stretching their imagination, and getting better at writing. I mean, you don't assume the author's a serial killer if the author writes a very convincing serial killer POV, do you? No. You like that author because they write very believably.

So, all you authors out there, go ahead, stretch your imaginations and write from any POV you feel like! It doesn't matter if you're good or bad at it. All that matters is that you've tried. And you get better with every try. So don't let anyone stop you.
A person chapter 1 . 1/7/2015
No guys reading this suuure this is the internet there will alwasys be a full all sexuality audience all the time
Miss Instant Noodles chapter 1 . 7/15/2013
I'm sorry, I don't think I can read this through. The idea of a crossdressing GUY instead of a girl is pretty funky and unique, but, for the love of GOD, don't write with abbreviations or text message lingo! That is one of the FIRST rules to writing!
Guest chapter 7 . 11/22/2010
okay, i can't read anymore. it's a wonderful plot line, i love it, but your grammar is horrendus, you format is more like text messages or im'ing, and you don't have nearly enough description. wish i could go on, but i can't.
sigh chapter 2 . 11/22/2010
It's called grammar. Write it down! and then spell check it!
Blood Zephyr chapter 1 . 2/19/2010
-.- Good grief... MSN lingo in a STORY? Are you freaking kidding me? You obviously have no respect for the English language...
KeyshaYess chapter 25 . 11/18/2006
naah you shouldnt make another story or something like part 2-B or something.. it would just ruin the mood.. i rlly like this storyy it rocks my sox off! anywho

its really cute. and i cant wait to see how you make rika fall for lucky.. i mean of course they are gonna end up together right? OMFG .. and before this chappie i thought the villain person was yukora-or sumthin or the other ..waht was her name again?- that was after rika and was sending those threats... gues not .. OR? okai ne whoo -once again-

buhbye -x0x-

Huloptis chapter 3 . 7/28/2006
Slakers unite*shakes head*. I love this story hehe and it makes sense with touches of happiness all in one. It's A-ok-! I also ove the parody, bye!
Sally-andersonn chapter 4 . 10/25/2005
The chapter name doesn't fit. He just complained but did not fight.
Sally-andersonn chapter 3 . 10/25/2005
Seems kinda forced to me. I know that the main character will happily follow the orders and everything happens happilly ever after while the main character is happily repressed and silent. I hope you are good at writing. Funky characters too.
Sica chapter 25 . 9/20/2005
My god. when are you gonna update? Its been what? two years? lol. I'm guessing We'll never know what well.
Sally-andersonn chapter 2 . 8/18/2005
Your style of writing can be confusing at times but is different and very funky.
Sally-andersonn chapter 1 . 8/18/2005
hello! very fast-paced. though i am hoping the next chapterw ould be more explanatory.
amethystdawn chapter 12 . 1/28/2005
CLiffhanger! argh!
amethystdawn chapter 11 . 1/28/2005
You are such a genuis... I don't know how you can churn out so many fantastic chapters...
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