Reviews for The Price of a Rose
Obsession Changes Things chapter 1 . 9/6/2008
This was really good. Very well done. So full of emotion and feeling that you couldn't help but fall into the story. Always loved Beauty and the Beast, as you can see on my favorites, which you are added to now :D. But honestly, this was one of the best rewrites that I have read. I laughed and even cried, and the first thing that hit me was the fact that you staied true to the story anf its origins, by starting it with a quote, one that I absalutly love. Well done.

James chapter 1 . 11/11/2003
I wish Disney could've done something like this... I really enjoyed this... but then again, I enjoy a lot of, if not all of your writing... um... it says to do some constructive criticism, but all that I really noticed was some spelling errors, not much else...
zagato chapter 1 . 10/15/2003
I probably read this at before. Anyway, great job! Please write more.
moonsilk chapter 1 . 9/22/2003
I loved your story though its with the same plot and everything of beauty and the beast, you don't get bored reading it because of how the story was written. It was very enjoying.
VEK chapter 1 . 5/24/2003

I myself am an avid Beast follower, trying to find as many stories that exist and I must say, absolutely inspired! I look forward to reading more of your work!
Honour Huston chapter 1 . 8/13/2002
Beautiful. I loved this story! The way the Beast stays a beast is really cool. also i loved the Avaloian theme. very original. the um..carnal instincts of the beast were wonderful. (im a sucker for these kind of things.) Good job!
lostinsanity chapter 1 . 4/12/2002
Wow. That was a great story. It wasn't the best, but it was very good. Why wasn't it the best? well, there were a few parts i misunderstood, and typo errors [no worries, happens to everyone], and though most of the grammar is exceptional, there were a few spots that could be tidied up. but, hey, its only FF, so who cares, right? ;P i dont really mean to degrade your story, like i do most of them to myself. thats just the way i am. i even degrade my own writings, and i dare not post many of them on FF. [just some old scrappy poems ;x] but, anyways, you did more than a fairly good job on this story, and i imagine it took a lot of thought, time, and work. and i give you credit for that. its a great story. ;D [blerghness. dunno what else to say. lol.]
Bil chapter 1 . 4/11/2002
'S a pretty cool story, though I think you should probably up the rating a notch or two. Mixing Beauty and the Beast with Oberon and co is a cool idea, and pretty original, no?
no-one-of-consequence chapter 1 . 2/25/2002
I like it. Especilly how you have Oberon from A mIdsummer Nights ream. Its very original, which is hard to do when you've heard this story so many times by different people. Good Job!
StuntWoman chapter 1 . 2/18/2002
Beautiful! That was amazing! I'm thinking of writing a Beauty and the Beast fic myself. I'm wondering though, is this meant to be all of it? I would like to kinow what happens, but I suppose it would be better for it to end here. Keep up the good work...!
Cartoonangel79 chapter 1 . 2/18/2002
Great story! Very exciting and well told! I can't wait to read the next part.
Phasera chapter 1 . 2/17/2002
Good story, I like how you illustrated the beast's history.