Reviews for Guardian Of An Angel
Kristina chapter 5 . 12/20/2012
This story is actually 10 years old?! I would really like to finish it! Its wonderful except for the fact that Angel is a little too perfect but he is an angel after all...
SilverSymbol chapter 5 . 6/29/2010
You are a SADIST! I can't believe you haven't written anything on this since '02! PLEASE WRITE MORE! I LOVE THIS STORY!

Ok, I'm done.
StangenBaer chapter 5 . 10/25/2009
Hey! Please update this story! It's amazing! I love it and it would be a shame if you just left it as it is!
Keona Raynalise chapter 5 . 8/13/2009
OH... how AMAZINGLY AWESOME! and since its been seven years i dont supose you shall be updating... wow this is so amazing i want to finish it myself! well... i dont know i REALY want to hear more Angel is positively the adorablest thing in the whole WORLD!
Doctor Bee chapter 5 . 6/13/2009
Wow this story is so cute!

I just can't get enough of it, the characters have such cute personalitys that make them so likeable.I would really love to know what happened to poor Angel before Lori found him but alas i might have to wait a bit.
dernhelm de la marca chapter 5 . 2/7/2008

i was looking for a good story to read and i found yours, but then i noticed that its unfinished...

i would really love to keep reading it.

yo should finish it!

hope to hear about you soon!
wittynamehere chapter 5 . 12/16/2007
Please? Could you please update? For me? No? _;; Its been what, five years? No update. What a shame. What a fucking shame. Really, though, maybe you could just write one chapter that could answer all of our questions and finally get Angel and Lori together. Just something to make your readers happy. I think I speak for all of us when I say that this is a wonderful fic and it deserves an end, no? Very well then, I'll put this on my alerts anyway just in case you decide to update and make me happy.

With doom,


*if you even use this email anymore*
SesshoumaruTakahashi chapter 5 . 12/1/2007
oh! More more! Pleease?

You are a fantastic writer.. I envy you.
KaleLongsworth chapter 5 . 7/17/2007
This is a really unique story, and it's well written. Though in the first few chapters it seemed as if some workd has been left out of the sentence. Angel is so sweet, I just love him to bits.
GothBooks17 chapter 5 . 5/26/2007
Love ,Love this story. One day I hope you will contuine.
biscuit92 chapter 5 . 1/5/2007
(oh... another story with ang angel with it! seriuosly, i never get tired of it)

in short... i like it! update! i want to learn what's next! (please...?)
Midori chapter 1 . 12/19/2006
It's an amazing idea. The description of Lori and the battle scene are the best. I think you could go more into depth when Lori finds the angel. It seems off somehow, like Lori isn't surprised enough...ior human enough. Would he immediately help the angel? Personally, I would freak out first, pacing and circles and talking outloud, before finally coming to the decision.

But otherwise, very nicely written.
Instant-Soup chapter 5 . 12/13/2006



beloved18 chapter 1 . 12/12/2006
Shadesome chapter 5 . 11/19/2006
Luff this!
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