Reviews for Night and Day
Ukyorou chapter 1 . 2/1/2003
Hey there! Zara, this poem roolz...sad, sniff sniff. Write more! Please! See u later! ~_*
irewrightmusic chapter 1 . 10/14/2002
This is truely awesome. I would like you to read my poems as well
Ravensthief chapter 1 . 9/9/2002
An excellant poem. I too write dark angsty poems.. Read To be a Thief, by me, Ravensthief... I think much of this poem. Good job! Ja ne, Aesa
Hodori chapter 1 . 6/12/2002
wonderful. a great poem. You are a great writer keep up the good work.
Mother Nature chapter 1 . 5/16/2002
Beautiful. Surprisingly, since it only rhymes in a few lines, it is very flowing and has a good rhythm. It expresses the controversial feelings, the opposites in my heart. This poem touches me, and even if you never write anything else in your life, you could be world renowned for this [ameteur] masterpiece. I like it very much. Thank you for the wonderful read.

Until the shining sun and pale glowing moon doth meet at their embracing hour, I wish thee well.

Mother Nature the Mother of Earth
Takatome Ichido chapter 1 . 5/3/2002
Wow... That is so good! I love it! Seriously! Very good work! Good, good, good!

And I finally got to review! Yes! Whee! _

This was really wonderful. May I copy, paste, change the font, and hang it up on my wall please? It's very vunderba.

I love the moon/sun child motifs. It's like something in my story. Oh! That reminds me!

May I use your poem in something? I'll give you full credit, if you wish. But this is just something that I've been looking for. Thank you for writing it!

I hope that you'll consider my request. Email me with the answer or on a review, okay? Thank you.

Oh, and if you DO find time to review something of mine, please go for "Legends: Nihojin." Even if you can only read the first chappie, that would make me happy! Thanks a smashing!

Ja ne!

Angelic Dragon chapter 1 . 4/11/2002
ALRIGHT FINE! grrrrrrr... Hey Zara... sweet poem! love it. reminds me of something I did back in the day. rather depressing... now I feel like writting angst and that's never a good thing! Don't you just love what they did to my name? STUPID FFN! You need to get some more stuff up! Well toodle-pip

The Lost and Confuzzled, Last and Only Surviving Dwarf of Moria


Angelic Dragon (but it won't let me sign in!)
Apple Kinder chapter 1 . 3/27/2002
ZARA RULES! This is the most kik ass poem, like, EVER! (by the way, it's Dru)
Amy Dickerson chapter 1 . 3/26/2002
I loved this poem. it was like you stole the feelings from my soul and translated them into words. Awesome. Beautiful.
Glass Malibu chapter 1 . 3/24/2002
Wow! This is soooo good! You're is dark and depressing. But it's so good! You should really write a story. Make a prequal to Nova Rising! You should! Hey, if you don't, I will. Little Monohishe is so cute!
darkness.clear.tao chapter 1 . 3/21/2002
Dude, you know I love this poem. I have a feeling I didn't actually need to register on her now that I think about it...Eh...
til-iburnout aka Amanda Helton chapter 1 . 3/21/2002
I like this how you mended the two together...
Mistress Jakira chapter 1 . 3/20/2002
That was pretty cool. :) I liked how you brought the two together at the end. Though it only rhymed at some instances, the rhythm was very profound, I thought. Great work! _ ~MJ