Reviews for Essylit Chronicles
Draymoore chapter 1 . 5/28/2002
LOL! This is great. Absolutely wonderful. Err... ... what DID the teachers do to her milk machine?
mad aznistic chapter 3 . 5/22/2002


I NEED MORE MORE MORE! BEFORE JUNE SECOND IF YOU PLEASE! :( cuz that's when I'm leaving, and I ain't comin back till two months later, so I won't have internet and I WON'T BE ABLE TO READ SO UPDATE!
Raven chapter 3 . 5/3/2002
im interested to see what happens next, hope you update soon.
Asakuri chapter 3 . 4/16/2002
NOOOOOOOOOOO! I want to read more! Write it as soon as possible! ASAP!
aznistic chapter 3 . 4/15/2002
YESSS! YOU UPDATED! :D i am very happy about that. hehe i have learned that guilt trips are the best way to make ppl UPDATE, when they NEED TO. D.

well this was a good chappie! luvin that William _ he's soo sugoi!
aznchick chapter 3 . 4/15/2002 have NO IDEA HOW HARD I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO REVIEW THIS! my comp has restarted and frozen and everything a million times! ah! okay ne ways i LUV this story! thanks aznistic for recommending it to me to read _ really owe you one there this is great! i'm SOO glad you updated! hehe and the part that goes: a slide of razors into a pool of lemon juice? SO ORIGINAL! _ hehe and i love how he got mad at his other advisors for not thinking of the prophecy first hehe and then it was William, the FIRST KNIGHT who remembered it instead of the advisors...hehe and then she ran around the castle in her nightgown HAH! that's great _

update soon! or we'll have to get aznistic to set another guilt trap for you...*evil grin* hehe jp

Lainiee chapter 3 . 4/15/2002
Great story so far! hehehe, I luv u'r spunky character's, no sappy wussies for us! _ Hmm, of course you just HAD to leave a cliffhanger. . . NYAH! :-P
aznchick chapter 2 . 4/14/2002
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! ROTFLMAO! hehe omg that was sooooooo funny! Calvin is a JERK to say that though that just cuz she's female she cant do any harm! oh how MEAN! he deserved that lil kick in the erm...yeah. but that was kinda...well...yeah to just suddenly appear in a different place entirely and kick people it was really funny though _ i would be freaking out but perhaps i wouldnt' act the way she did... 0 very good update soon plz!
aznistic again chapter 1 . 4/13/2002
*tap tap* excuse me, Gelasia? WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO POST MORE? COME ONNNNNN... *whines* if it's cuz u don't have enough reviews... who cares! There are a few people *cough cough* (like me) who are dying for a chapter 3!
Serenity Jade chapter 2 . 4/12/2002
Funny. _ I love it. More Please.
Iden's Garden chapter 2 . 3/31/2002
Hee hee! this is funny! I hope you post more soon. and update your peter pan one TOO! LOL
Asakuri chapter 2 . 3/25/2002
Oh I just like her attitude! Oh pleazzzzz write more! As soon as possible! Oh I just can't wait what's going to happen next! *sighs and faints*
mew chapter 2 . 3/25/2002
LOL! gel you have just GOT to continue this! it's hysterical!
aznistic chapter 2 . 3/24/2002
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hey i thought Calvin was good at first... but URGH he's just a HUGE CONCEITED MEANIE JERK.

mwahahahhaa... i have to add that that was very funny though... extremely funny! (when she punched Calvin heheheh... AND the gym sock!)*doubles over in laughter* okay... can't breathe...

hahahah... alright, I LOVE ESSYLIT NOW! okay... and now i can't understand why u don't get more reviews... plz update soon, alright? PLEEAASEE
aznistic chapter 1 . 3/24/2002
woah, hehe that was quick! i like Essylit's personality so far... I mean who WOULDN'T want to throw any kind of algebra book into flames? *shudders at thought of math*

on to read chapter two...
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