Reviews for Essylit Chronicles
Nike the Wonder Goddess chapter 18 . 12/12/2003
Awesome! _ hero/heroine being pissed off at the evil dude dead (and for some reason completely annihilated) evil dude
Fun fun fun! It's almost over! I get to know the end soon! Thank you! Thank you for writing this wonderful story!
Schu no ko chapter 18 . 12/12/2003
*jaw drops...looks between her final battle scene and your final battle scene* Dammit I hate you. Damn it's goodness and...goodness...
AND I LOVE SPIRIT! *glomps Spirit*
L. Laurene chapter 18 . 12/12/2003
so sad... ;.;
I'll be watching you... and your updates... *goes off to cry*
Rockerchickie chapter 5 . 10/20/2003
i love this story!

Rockerchickie chapter 4 . 10/20/2003
freaky lights rock! and so does your story!

Rockerchickie chapter 3 . 10/20/2003
meanie! next time you leave a cliff hanger, i shall be forced to hang you from a cliff! lol Great story! i love it!

Rockerchickie chapter 2 . 10/20/2003

Rockerchickie chapter 1 . 10/20/2003
hey i love it! and yes, i have always wanted to do that. Fun-ness!

Kaidalyn chapter 17 . 10/19/2003
Essylit has such a nice vocabulary much like my own. Finally, the last chapter I have to review until your new ones. Well update soon, and don't let Essylit die. Ja ne!
Kaidalyn chapter 16 . 10/19/2003
I like how Essylit keeps kicking people. Ja ne!
Kaidalyn chapter 15 . 10/19/2003
I hate stairs too, and I don't like how Essylit is going to die. Ja ne!
Kaidalyn chapter 14 . 10/19/2003
It's sad how mean Essylit was to Kai. I'll marry Kai. :) Ja ne!
Kaidalyn chapter 13 . 10/19/2003
Ah how naive Kai is. Beautiful. Ja ne!
Kaidalyn chapter 12 . 10/19/2003
I love Kai he is so cute and naive. Ja ne!
Kaidalyn chapter 11 . 10/19/2003
Gr. I really truly hate Isadora. Ja ne!
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