Reviews for You Don't Understand
Ashleigh chapter 1 . 11/27/2002
Jester, wow! that is some pretty powerful stuff u got goin. i'll say that much but what were u thinking when u were writing those 2 poems i read? i mean they were just pure genius! i mean it! all i have 2 say on that is WHOAH! i guess i give it a 10 b/c well i guess sometimes "You can't or dont understand. i no how that goes.



JupGrrl chapter 1 . 11/4/2002
i think u chose a great theme for this poem. there is a lot to be said about this. i wonder who the "you" in the poem is. i wrote a poem like it once, and the "you" referred mainly to my parents, but i could see ur poem being directed at almost anyone. anyway, good job.
LostDragon chapter 1 . 3/28/2002
not bad, not bad. I can see where you were going with this...


Kawaii Sorceress chapter 1 . 3/28/2002
Its sooooooo sad. *sniff sniff*. It was really good. I LOVE poetry. I write some but it isn't that good. So KEEP WRITING!Ü