Reviews for Fire and Ice
Genuinely-xoxo-Superficial chapter 8 . 7/12/2004
i like i like i like! Er yes I happen to suffer severe redundancy. See? se... okay umm I'm scaring myself. I'm putting you on my author alert so you hafta update? Kay? You update I review? Good deal? :P
becca chapter 8 . 7/5/2004
hesfb chapter 1 . 6/28/2004
this stories great..very enjoyable... one thing; are you going to go into the demon/magic thing a bit more cuz its kind of hard to understand.. i mean what kind of magic is it and who has it etc... and what are the monk-warriors? looking forward to the rest of your story :)
CheshirePitPot chapter 8 . 6/11/2004
How much do I love this story? So very much. Please, please, please update soon!~
icthus chapter 8 . 6/4/2004
This story is absolutely awesome. It completely captivated me from the first few paragraphs. I have been sitting at the edge of my seat for the last few chapters... that's a good sign. )
Please update soon!
StarCounter chapter 8 . 5/29/2004
I've waited far too long to review this, sorry. That doesn't change the fact that this story's brilliant. The romance, the dark sides, the magic, the mystery and suspense, and the medieval-like setting . . . There's so many different aspects and genres entwined within it, that it's a pleasure to read. I can't think of any criticism at this time, so cheers to you!
-Erin _
your favourite stalker chapter 4 . 5/28/2004
please update soon! (in case ur wondering why im reviewing again... n 2 an earlier chapter... its bcoz i fgot 2 add u 2 ma fav stories list :))
your favourite stalker chapter 8 . 5/28/2004
omy i luv ur story! please update soon :)
serendipity90 chapter 8 . 5/20/2004
update soon
Saleci Loramma chapter 8 . 5/19/2004
You must, and I mean must, or there will be an angry mob at your door-step, write more of this. Your characters are beautifully crafted, full of inner-turmoil and half told secrets. Your dialouge is engaging and utterly pleasent to read. Your plot those somewhat cookie-cutterish is finely crafted and I can not wait to read more. Please write more, please. It is torture waiting months to read more, I'm sure there is more of this lovely story in that fine soul of yours.
As I've exhuasted my flattery quota for tonight, and that was only the last sentence, not everything before that, I must send a plea to you. Please write more. I am dieing, as I'm sure other readers are too.
-Saleci Loramma
Arialla chapter 8 . 5/7/2004
No! You have to update this story! It’s so good! I just found it, and I really, really like it so far! The plotline is great, the people are mysterious and complex (the way I like it) and so I’m really intrigued right about now. So update soon, please!
~ Aria
hearthands chapter 8 . 4/28/2004
I really like this story! It's been a while since I read Fantasy. Well, I hope you update soon because this is really awesome!
Faraway Dream chapter 8 . 4/27/2004
Wow, I love this story! It's great! I can't wait for more.
Although, I am hating Alex right now. He makes me so mad. Ugh! Treating her like a worthless possession! Of course, I still want them to end up together... Even though I hate his guts, I love him to death. Not making any sense, but there you go.
Can't wait for more!
MissPennyLockhart chapter 8 . 4/19/2004
Hey aerial sprite.
This story is absolutely amazing! You should really update soon!
Is Alex ever going to be nice to Caireatha again?
Anyway keep up the fantastc work (*o*)
luv madlyinluv x
Callie Rose chapter 8 . 4/12/2004
I so love ur story! it is so good. Plz plz plz keep writing. its really good! when will alex see through all the lies? just a question i have.
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