Reviews for Fire and Ice
Duo no Tsuin chapter 8 . 3/8/2004
Errg. That was too short! I know it's only part b of chapter 7... but I want MORE. They are just TOO stubborn for words! Loved the action in the beginning of this chapter. It really woke me up. Damn you, I'll never get any sleep tonight. *lol*
r.mai chapter 8 . 3/8/2004
blech... he won't let her explain and she won't explain eh? blech... he's being such a pissy little... something. o_O; welps, hope you update soon! sacrifice... oi oi oi... someone's gonna use caireatha as a sacrifice! o_O;
SunWindPrincess chapter 8 . 3/7/2004
OMG I LOVE THIS STORY! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I've sat at my computer trying to read as much as I can before my parents kick me off lol! Any way I love the characters you have created as well as the settings. The air of mystery fits perfectly with the story, and it moves pretty fast which I think is great! I'm waiting for Caireatha and Alexander to finally realize their feelings for eachother! What are you going to do for the climax and what about Jared, is he going to tell Caireatha about his actual feelings?
O the suspense is killing me! Please update this story soon!
~*~ Sun Wind Princess ~*~
Tessandra chapter 8 . 3/7/2004
That was a great chapter! Lots of adventure and other good stuff _, I cannot WAIT until he finds out she'd a princess - it better be dramatic. Lol, he was a meanie in the end . . . gr. I can't wait for another update!
Raging Libra chapter 8 . 3/6/2004
I like this's good. i can't believe he thinks she would do that...though, she is a slave...oh well...we'll see what happens...update soon!
Heather A. Moeller chapter 8 . 3/6/2004
I don't know if I can say anything about this chapter that I haven't said about this story already:) Anyway, good job!
zagato chapter 8 . 3/6/2004
Thank you for updating this great story. Please write more.
Infinitis chapter 8 . 3/5/2004
Oh me Gosh! I've never read anything so intence! I mean WOW! It gave me shivers! Gosh, poor guys. They're meant to be together...BUT EVERYBODYS INTERFEAREING! (takes deep breath) I love this story! Plez plez plez write more b4 i go insane with suspence!
Skittles1 chapter 8 . 3/5/2004
OH MAN! so intense and SO GOOD! Gaah thank you so much for the new update! Please write more soon, I adore your writing and I want more P Wonderful job!
crystal-roses chapter 8 . 3/5/2004
Hey this is a great story and i love the trials that the prince and the slave are being put through. i hope they come together soon. anyway keep up the good work and update really soon!
Maharanjoni chapter 8 . 3/5/2004
can I kick him? Please? just once in the face? good story and the plot hasnt failed you yet. update again soon because I wanna know what happens
K. S. Pakula chapter 8 . 3/5/2004
Finally, gr. I couldn't get the next chap to come up on my computer before.
Great chap. Its really a very very good story. Please keep going!
Twisted Rose chapter 8 . 3/5/2004
This chapter was pretty good. It was a little on the short side, but it was good nonetheless. I will be waiting for the next chapter. Hope to see it soon.
('-')Twisted Rose
Punkiee chapter 8 . 3/5/2004
It's really good. Keep it up _
quotata chapter 8 . 3/5/2004
interesting... evil alooming ) and love a blooming
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