Reviews for Fire and Ice
Wolfie Star26 chapter 9 . 10/28/2004
awesome, i love it, please update soon, i cant wait to se what happens. i love the name Carieatha. how did u come up with it? i dont even know how to pronounce it. till the next chapter.
BlackRose chapter 9 . 10/24/2004
Wow! Your story it really GREAT!. I really LOVE YOUR STORY. I like the characteristic of Cairatha, she is strong and clever. Please keep her that way. Please UPDATE SOON. I'LL KEEP WAITING AND CHECKING for your storu.
bubblegum chapter 9 . 10/18/2004
Well, what can I say? hm, this is totally AWESOME! I luv the plot... hope you update soon and get past the writer's block. UPDATE! please..._~
Crystal Sky chapter 9 . 9/19/2004
Ah! Update! this is one of the best stories ive read. Pleeaase update soon your style is awesome and i love the story line! Ok, I dont blame you. I cant count how many times Ive started a story and abandoned it b/c of laziness and/or writers block...but PLZ dont abandon this one!
Shadow Gryphon chapter 9 . 9/18/2004
Another excellent chapter. Plese update soon, I can't wait to find out what has happened to Caireatha, and what will happen to Alex and Jared.
Shadow Gryphon chapter 8 . 9/18/2004
oh-oh. Is Ben's father the one who is making the sacrifices? That would make sense as to why he believes that he can provide the Demon lord with her blood.
Shadow Gryphon chapter 7 . 9/18/2004
Excellent! I hope Alex believe her soon, though, or things could go very, very wrong.
Shadow Gryphon chapter 6 . 9/18/2004
Antoher great chapter. I hope that Caireatha will be alright.
Shadow Gryphon chapter 5 . 9/18/2004
Wow. Great chapter!
Shadow Gryphon chapter 4 . 9/18/2004
Wonderful chapter. Fascinating characters, too, and you have an amazing talent for working things together.
Shadow Gryphon chapter 3 . 9/18/2004
Wow. This gets better and better byt he chapter. Political manuvering, memories, demons... most excellent!
Shadow Gryphon chapter 2 . 9/18/2004
Another excellent chapter! This is really, really good.
Shadow Gryphon chapter 1 . 9/18/2004
Excellent, excellent chapter. Completely entrancing.
Phoenix Kiss chapter 9 . 9/11/2004
I really *love* this story. It's like a politic Cinderella ... but totally not. I totally think Caireatha should be equipped with a sword/bow or something so she can defend her way out. I mean, she's always portraying a damsel in distress - princesses would most likely have some kind of self-defense lesson, right? Anyways, it's just me, a lover of kick-butt chicks and whatnot. Though, I'm pretty content with Caireatha's personality. She rocks.
Um, anyway wow. Alex seems so kickass. Prince Charming, but not, with a twist! And dude - there's so many people dying. Hope that ... blood seeking freak doesn't be all vampiric on him. I love ze Prince!
Wo. I'll be waiting for the update. I'm so excited - I was so happy when Alexander found out she was a princess. Woot!
CrystalDusk chapter 9 . 8/30/2004
WAH! this story has so many evil people! words simply fail me how evil some of the characters are...poor Caireatha...[how the hell did you come up with a name like that?] caught up in the middle of that mess. horrifying position to be in. but really makes some interesting reading.
the prince is weird i don't like him much. too mood swingy. and don't lecture me about the whole silvia thing i still think he's too mood swingy D what's with the whole warrior monk thing? not that it's bad or anything but it's a bit weird...
what's Caireatha gonna do? is she gonna go back to being a slave? because that sucks... she should be FREE!
i like that jared guy. he's cool. but anything between him and her is about impossible ( sad eh? maybe you should make him go with some other chick...just to be nice to him. D
and so many evil evil bad people! shocking man. i could never come up with so many evil people...congratulations i am very impressed ;)
so yeah this story rocks!
update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update update
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