Reviews for Flowers for Ophelia Suite for the Sweet
pegs chapter 2 . 5/10/2002
come on finish it please! and peice of paradise please,i bribe you with cookies from
TatlTayl chapter 2 . 4/23/2002
Aww, another pretty one! Gotta say, this is the first original story I've read and it's really very good. But I smel trouble on the horizon. *cue storm clouds and rolling thunder* I fink poor Twistan is gonna have twouble fwom his Daddy. *pulls big chibi eyes* Don't let him get hurt, pwease? I like Twistan. And Cowi. *blinks imploringly* Take care of them, ya hear? *laughs* Great stuff. Keep those chapters coming! ~Tayles.x
Chibbi chapter 2 . 4/19/2002
wow, yay, chapter two is up...try get chapter 3 up real quick please!
YukiSohma chapter 2 . 4/18/2002
You better write more soon, its well written (just like the rest of your fics). Keep up the good work.
DrM - so very lazy bad evil overlord chapter 2 . 4/18/2002
I can't tell you how much i love this, it's really good, and i love it! ...i mean, i probably could tell you but some how i don't think like thousand worded reviews... Heh heh! anyway, i really really ireally hope you update this soon! and Periwinkle Sky... Please? Please! and the extract on your newsletter was brilliant!
TatlTayl chapter 1 . 4/15/2002
Ooh! I likes this! Write more soon, please? I like where this is heading!
pegeasus chapter 1 . 4/14/2002
oh please finish it please, i have become attatched to Tristan (do u know that is the name of a friend of mines cat) but please please finish it! great job well done!
DeletedAcct chapter 1 . 4/12/2002
Written with your usualy brilliant style, the only disappointment i have is that there isn't any more! please please update this one soon, and i hope you do email updates, even though i really should be badgering you for periwinkle sky becuase i love that fic, and i'm starting to get withdrawal symtoms... lol, anyway, this is really good, and i hope you update it really soon, the characters are brilliant, esp. Tris and Dar! cori i hope to hear more from in the next chapter, but til then, MOOOOOORRRRREEEE!
The Merblemikey chapter 1 . 4/8/2002
I'm loving it babe...i hope it goes for a while.
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