Reviews for Friends Don't Last Forever
Yutaro chapter 1 . 10/4/2002
Hai...most friends don't last forever..but maybe one of out a billion? trillion? or maybe just one with me in it! p
Allis Dalline chapter 1 . 5/3/2002
*Agreeing* You are like so totally right! _~ My friends like so sometimes totally treat me like that! I like! _

Crystallis* Chandalline (*_~)
Fire Tears chapter 1 . 4/17/2002
It IS true, dammit, it IS true! Friend DON'T last forever! *coughs* Thanks you for sharing this fact with the world. It's annoying how people are always saying that they've had this friend for so-and-so many years. Well, how much do they talk anymore? They DON'T! They're just trying to hold onto something that will never last! It's pathetic.

Wonderfully written, and very true, poem.