Reviews for A Faerie Tale of a Different Sort
Sir Pebbles chapter 1 . 2/8/2009
Bahaha. I want to be King! (pouts) Heheh. I think this was my favourite line: "The peasants seized a traveling gypsy and forced the poor woman to become King. She actually managed the Kingdom relatively well, but to the shame of the land, the rulers following her and for a long time afterwards were all women with the title of King." Okay, that was two sentences, but shh. XD
Ivi chapter 1 . 7/28/2002
Thats really funny...well writen to...
Prayerangel chapter 1 . 6/1/2002
Very. . . interesting. LOL! I really liked it!

I'd love to invite you to read my ever evolving SW saga at ?storyid799366. Don't be surprised if you come back in a week and it's changed, though!
Lilly Envy chapter 1 . 5/24/2002
lol! Very nice. . A funny parody of those sappy, "happily ever after" fairy tales. :D Well done!
FairyKun chapter 1 . 5/10/2002
It was interesting, entertaining, funny, and well written! This does have a moral after all! *Cheers* It was a good story indeed...poor Colin...and every other misserable bastard! Very good!

