Reviews for Spirit
T41N7 chapter 1 . 9/7/2005
that is a very touching poem. I'm sure that Georgia is glad that people still think about her. It is very important to honor everyone who has passed away. You are a great person for writing this.
indecentwriter chapter 1 . 10/8/2002
Hey this is awesome! since u wrote about mine i thougth id write about urs. I actually have stopped writing that one, i didn't mean to offend u in any way but i had written that one and posted it on a friend fanfiction site and thought it would be great to get some more ciritisim. But i really like yours it comes from the heart and makes me wonder if u have a personal story behind it! well its awesome!
rinoa815 chapter 1 . 6/4/2002
Awe, your poem is so sad but sweet. I like the songish rhythem to it, and I think she'd be greatly honored.

- lam