Reviews for The Way You Make Me Feel
twenty-first day chapter 1 . 5/13/2004
Hasn't everyone had this feeling? I know i have. All so true. Good job, once again.
Brackish Tears chapter 1 . 6/8/2002
Hey, thanks for reviewing my poem by the way. I do like someone that way and she is absolutely perfect. Damn! She is so beautiful and it just hurts to see her every day and know she isn't mine. It was very good. I like all romantic poetry. I love writing it too. I get to express my feelings about the person I like without telling anybody who she is. It's great.
song of the soul chapter 1 . 6/8/2002
hello, rachel! I am also thirteen, and of course in the fanfiction community. this poem is really pretty. a little overboard, but us girls are known for doing that. this does sort of descibe how i feel about someone, too. if you like to keep in touch, please email me.


Pitti-Sing chapter 1 . 5/31/2002
Wow, this sounds very similar to a situation I was in just last year. I liked it a lot all though the passage where you said "when you're mean to me, I want to die" bugged me a bit. If he's mean to you, he's probably not worth loving...

On the other hand, I should talk. Like I said, I was in an extremely similar situation. :-) It's easier to say that than to actually do it.

Anyway, thanks for writing. I enjoyed it.

Nikita Delaney, aka Pitti Sing

(please R&R my fics too!)