Reviews for Sonnet
Baby Rose1 chapter 1 . 10/24/2002
Hey, remember me? I used to write poems all the time. I still have the same ones up but I'm gonna soon put some new ones up. ANYWAYS, I Really liked this! I love sonnets. Keep writing.

~Baby Rose~
Vilestar chapter 1 . 7/31/2002
i remember helping you with this too, cuz sonnets are confusing. i really like the line 'wine and blood now follow the same trail of red' can i steal it and put it in a song sometime when i feel like thinking again?
Damien Buck chapter 1 . 6/5/2002
You wrote this for school? I mean, it's REALLY good but if I wrote something like that I'd be suspended. Guess that wouldn't matter cause the school guidance counsellor just said I should be sent to the psychiatric ward in the hospital! I hate her... Anyway, really good!
Rini chapter 1 . 6/4/2002
ooh I love this. Well written, very good. Keep writitng