Reviews for November Rain
TEea chapter 32 . 7/27/2003
omg..that's horrible! that's terrible! must be a memory of some sort?
enchanted muse chapter 32 . 7/26/2003
I'm so glad you're back. So that was like a blast from the past, huh? Update soon, please. This story is so good!
Bottledinsideme chapter 32 . 7/26/2003
So this was the past right? The convo was between Audrey's least we get to see a bit of their short though...
Mockingbirdflyaway chapter 32 . 7/26/2003
This is such a powerful story. I won't say weither it's good or bad, because it can't be rated that way. If Someone with a brain and an open mind reads this story, it'll affect them. One way or another it will.

I have been glued to the screen reading this for the last hour.

If any ppl flame this, it's like that saying "it is better to be silent and be thought an idiot than to speak and remove all doubt"

keep writing... when your finished, you should siriously think about having this published... not on the net, in a real book.
Rebecca chapter 31 . 7/16/2003
Great story! I can't wait to read the next chapter. I don't know who I hate more, Audi's mother or father. Also, I say Go for the spin off. Just don't forget about November Rain. Please keep reading!
jasmine chapter 31 . 5/21/2003
hey, great story... i found it through my friend chid's favorites i think.. you've got to update! ...bye!
Guest chapter 30 . 4/25/2003
PLEASE update. I'm going banana's! :p
Harry chapter 31 . 4/13/2003
Please Update. I've visited every day since the last update and it's been the most anxious month of my life! Please update!

Bottledinsideme chapter 31 . 4/12/2003
very interesting...o...not your usual story...where guy meets girl and falls in love...or vice versa...horray and a pinata for
Tears of Stardust chapter 31 . 4/5/2003
WOW! I can't wait until the next chapter; this is going to be explosive! I hope that you don't give up on this story yet and leave it hanging like THAT! You really have a good grasp of story-telling devices Bonnie!
kaika switched chapter 31 . 3/19/2003
EEp! They're calling the show - that can't be good. But, nice chapter. It kind of summed everything up, so people don't get confused or anything. Update again soon!
Xandrew chapter 31 . 3/15/2003
Yay! Finnaly and Cliffy!
Ren chapter 31 . 3/15/2003
ugh you can't leave it there! That's not fair! Please update soon!
tinned tornado chapter 31 . 3/14/2003
Yea! You updated! Thank you! I have been checking this story every day hoping you would have updated it and today when I checked you had. I am a happy girl! I can't wait until the next chapter! Please don't leave it too long.

Abi x x
Tsukino Chibiusa chapter 31 . 3/13/2003
*Gasp* Oh this is getting suspenseful! Wah, and I'm left hanging! What's Audrey's mother have to say? Gahh, put more up soon! This is awesome stuff here, ma'am.
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