Reviews for November Rain
Sutaseiu chapter 29 . 1/19/2003
wow...i just read the whole story (or at least what's done) and all i can say is wow. i came very close to crying a few times. i might actually start coming back to FF once ain awhile.

i really hope there's more soon, and i do mean soon
hey chapter 29 . 1/18/2003
write some more!
MOnarch-O chapter 28 . 1/18/2003
Great Story really intriguing! This one really kept me on my toes. I cant wait for the rest
enchanted muse chapter 28 . 1/18/2003
Aww... Audrey and Brandon are just so cute together! lol They're gonna get married, how cute is that? hehe I hope she does press charges against her dad, he deserves some punishment... .laughs evilly. hahaha I''m patiently [not really] awaiting the next chapter! Keep up your awesome work! :-)
DejectedForever chapter 28 . 1/18/2003
*sighs dreamily* I really want them to get married.
stardust chapter 27 . 1/18/2003
I think this story is one of the best i've read on this website. I love it that you really researched the story and wrote it very realistically, unlike some other stories I've read here. It was written really well. Please keep it up and update soon.
purple sea chapter 28 . 1/18/2003
cool. When is the trial gonna continue happening?
Tears of Stardust chapter 27 . 1/14/2003
Mrs. Frost seducing Mike...:O:O:O:O:O:O:O the suspense is killing me! Lol. Write another chapter soon! Although, you aren't really the sort of author I need to worry about getting updates from quickly, there's at least one chaspter a week. Thanks muchly for that, on behalf of all your readers _
kaika switched chapter 12 . 1/14/2003
Wow, this is a great story. I hate stopping in the middle, but I'll be back to catch up. You're a great writer - keep writing!
Satan's Widdle Hellper chapter 27 . 1/12/2003
Man, I just refound this story...and I HIGHLY doubt refound is a word but fuck anyone who gives a shit. I've been in a situation KINDA like this before, I was sleeping with a guy from my school and he was 21 and I was only sixteen. Teachers knew about it and we often have cops stopping in because my school is alternative ed which is like a HUGE jackpot for rookies who wanna arrest stoners and shit. But the teachers respected the fact that it was my choice and they left it alone. They didn't even tell my mom who would have DEFINATELY pressed charges. Since then, I've written a lot of jailbait fics and created a lot of jailbait characters. I suppose it's a way to get people to understand that it's not the way most people perceive it to be. My current fic has an underage charrie who lives in California and things might escalade from there. I really do like the way you've portrayed your chars and thoughts about all this. Mad props.
Guest chapter 27 . 1/12/2003

I know Brandon would never go for that, at least. Mike is a dork. I'd tie him up, but he's still a dork.
misscutiepie05 chapter 1 . 1/11/2003
I forgot about the proposal! Well, inadvertent proposal... She better say yes!
enchanted muse chapter 27 . 1/11/2003
This story never fails to let me down. I love that! Ohh. this is so exciting. hehe What if Mr. Frost comes home early? What will happen? What if Mr. Frost goes to Brandon's house? This is so nerve-wracking thinking about those questions... hehe I'll be waiting for the next chapter! :-)
DejectedForever chapter 27 . 1/11/2003
I love that article. It told exactly how I felt. Brandon asked her to marry him! Brandon asked her to marry him! *jumps up and down* But Mrs. Frost. What a whore! I can't believe her. How old is she supposed to be?
purple sea chapter 27 . 1/11/2003
Contiue, this is getting intresting!
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