Reviews for The Dragon Prince
Misa chapter 1 . 12/16/2004
Hello. I've read Slipknot a while back and loved it to death, and this is the third time I've read this chapter of the sequel over the past 2 years. You promised you'd update soon. It's been 2 years. I love your writing style and this story and I want to read more! Please please write more so I can have something wonderful to read. . Anyways, email me when you get the next chapter up, or just email me to bug me about this review. your faithful fan,Misa
KSS chapter 1 . 8/15/2003
So Uh. . I like read both of your stories tonight, and I'm about to fall over. Yet right now. . .I'm seriously mad at you -.- HOW COULD YOU LET THAIN DIE! And how the hell could you possible let Sylus LIVE? I hate that damn bastard! Uhg, anyways, I see you haven't updated this since. . .ever and I doubt my little review will change that but could you possibly start writing it again? And please god do not ever let Sylus back. Thain/Luka forever!
LunaChic chapter 1 . 11/24/2002
This is great. Keep the story coming. I really want to know what the hell Skylar has to do with Luka.
Hwoarang Girl chapter 1 . 7/24/2002
Yay! _ heehee.

Bless, poor Luka... T-T yay! You're getting this done now!

*hears muffled voices from her closet* ; unlike me... I think when I let out my variety of people in there I'll be dog-piled to death... *frowns as she gets a million and one attacks/weapons thrown at her simultaneously*

It's bad that i'm only adding more! ;


_ and soon please?

Luv yas!

~H.G.~ *runs off remembering where she left her last story off ;* this might take a while...