Reviews for Guardian
Story-Lover-Girl chapter 1 . 9/16/2010
looks interesting...
BellaEzrebetFang chapter 1 . 8/29/2008
I always love the quote "home is where the heart is" because that's home to me. :D
Mei-Chan16 chapter 57 . 11/23/2004
YES i so guessed that! yay things are really starting to happen andim blowing offhomewirk to read. Eh its worth it!b
Angel Magic chapter 66 . 6/22/2004
loved it. it's beyond words to describe! keep it up!
Vash the stampede45 chapter 14 . 1/28/2004
hey luki i jus thought id read your story again. i havent really been reading two so im gonna read this again to pick up the story line
Shadow Dancer chapter 68 . 12/10/2003
I finally finished reading it! YAY! i liked the ending, and i like the idea for Linkage. ;
Pyro Freak chapter 40 . 8/10/2003
Well, a lot of questions were answered like you said. Of course, Vectra is after world dominations. And this chapter is probably the longest in the whole story. Everything makes more sense now and things are getting more interesting as the plot thickens.

So people are going to die? I know I'll eventually be wondering who they are. And I can't wait to see who this Blade person is. Some bad guy who kicks butt?
Pyro Freak chapter 30 . 8/4/2003
I started reading this and now I can't stop. My eyes feel like they're going to pop out soon. This is story is just great! That's interesting how you didn't reveal the real enemy until now. Well, that sure adds to the plot. Man, I want to know more about Rettin's past! I guess I'll have to read some more chapters to find out...
Pyro Freak chapter 10 . 7/29/2003
The chapters are sort of short, but the story's still great! Rettin is cool, being an escape artist. And Jayce is just some coward who tends to make the situation worse. I wonder who the other Gau is? Well, I'm off to read some more!
Michael Kenny chapter 2 . 6/13/2003
meh. i'm too tired to read even most of this chapter. suffice to say, what i've been able to make out through my foggy eyes were very, very good. i also saw the chapter length. and all i got to say is WAH?
Vash the stampede45 chapter 68 . 6/5/2003
i think that Gaurdian 2 and PSYCHO would be good stories to read. Especially Gaurdian 2 because the first story was great.
hiro0911 chapter 4 . 6/2/2003
Review for Guardian Chapter 3

- - - - - - - - - -

Hm, that makes me think on what kind of being that kid 'Luki' is. Judging from the other reviews here, I think I'm way behind on this fic and I'm blaming the existence of my school dormitory for that! With those cuffs placed on Luki and being held in Recton, I really bet there's something big about this kid. Off to read more!

(thanks for checking out my fic too! I'm really grateful.)

Redkun chapter 68 . 5/28/2003
Hi hi.

I had heard a lot of good things about Guardian, but I've just been too busy with school study and my own original manga/anime Genesis (*cheap plug*) to actually read it. Plus, the 120,0 word count left me a little overwhelmed.

Enter the world of Work Exprience at a large software company in the heart of Scotland, which left me with quite a few hours to fill while I was waiting for things to load, build, download, etc. So I logged onto here to finally read Guardian. Of course, this is a review of your work, and this little story does have a bottom line: I'm so glad I took work experience because I finally got to read Guardian!

At first, I wasn't too much into it, but after the introduction of Luki, the story got so much better. The characters were brilliantly devloped, and even the "filler" episodes that you put down in your author notes were good to read! The world of Gao was also brillantly developed: after creating a world as detailed as that, how could you NOT have a sequel set in it?

It was hard to pinpoint my favorite character, because I liked them all, but in the end I chose Natra. Many of my favorite moments in Guardian involve him in some way, including (but not limited to) his reunion with Melody and Luki's not-so-innocent outburst towards the end.

Another thing that amazed me was how you were able to draw out the story over 65 chapters without detracting from the plot. (A skill I have yet to master) In some author's work that I have read, the non-essential episodes are often extremely dull and have no significance on character or anything else: you could take the chapter out and not only would no-one notice, but it would actually improve the overall quality of the story. But I found every chapter of Guardian to be significant to character, plot, and all those good things that make up good stories. Well done!

BTW: In response to your statement at the end of Chapter 48- you had written it so well. I had suspicions but I was still caught off guard by the Chapter 56 revelation!

You also had one of my favorite techniques in all of fiction in there: the title whose significance doesn't become apparent until the end! I totally took a fit when I read Chapter 60! -

So just in case my rambling made you confused and tired, I'll sum up my review for you:

Guardian Rocked. -

I'm reading Guardian 2 right now, and enjoying what I've read so far. You immediately jump onto my Favorite Authors list, which as you'll see is quite exclusive! -

Keep up the awesome work!
hiro0911 chapter 3 . 4/29/2003
Review for Guardian Chapter 2

Oh, so now I know what a Com Sphere is . . . But what's a Skimmer? Sorry if it took me so long for my next review. I've been pretty busy updating my own fic and taking vacation in my mom's place. So Rettin's that typical adventurer who loves hunting for trouble. See what trouble he went into! Ha, off to read the next. . .

(I'm so mad of myself - I read too slowly!)

Aki1 chapter 68 . 4/21/2003
Hi! (this review is LOONG)

When I first came upon "Guardian", it was about...three months ago? I saw the summary and your pen name, and I thought this was going to be a self-insertion. Now I've had some bad experiences with self-insertions, and I thought this was another one, so I never really took the time. Now, as I saw Guardian 2, I decided what the heck? And sought off to read Guardian...

I am SO glad I did. This is a wonderful story.

Let me start off. Your characters are well formed, each with his strengths and respective flaws. There seem to be no stereotypes here, and each person has a distinct personality...the double-sided innocence of Luki, the complaining but ever-loyal Natra, the strong-willed but smitten's these little things that make a reader love your characters, smile with them, cry with them.

Next: the mere fact that this story seems to be set in another atmosphere. This is not easy to do, and I must say you pulled it off very well. The ComSpheres and GlowSpheres, the shrines and Animau...everything was so detailed, and yet did not go beyond necessary. Well done.

And next: the flow. Each chapter was well-spaced, and the transition of events laced with flashbacks was remarkable. How did you do it? Well, let's just say you know when to stop, you seem to know what is just right, not too short and not too long.

The plot was wonderful, original and beautifully woven with events and characters, and the interplay of emotions was simply beautiful. I remember my eyes tearing up when Anita (or should I say Blade) saw her grandfather die. THis is only the second story so far which has actually brought that kind of reaction from me, and that is something I say I admire.

Well, what can I say? I thank you for writing this incredible story, and givingme an entertaining half-day read. I will go read Guardian 2 later, but in the meantime, you and Guardian are going on my favorite authors/stories lists. You provide even more inspiration for me to speed up the writing of my story (yep I have a manga up here too, check it out if ya want) and I guess I thank you that for you too.

Good luck on your writings, and congratulations on a marvelous story completed.

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