Reviews for The Heart that Holds |
Hip Like Badass chapter 7 . 3/30/2006 I know you haven't updated this for a year and a half, but I thought I'd comment anyway. Overall, this is a good story, but I have 2 complaints. The first one is, it takes WAY too long for what I assume is the actual plot of the story to get started. You just can't have character introductions for six (six, right?) chapters. The second is just kind of a pet peeve of mine... it seems that you don't know much about drugs and their effects, or to a lesser extent, the culture surrounding them (meaning your depiction of the culture is more accurate than your depiction of the effects). If you want to find out exactly what the effects are for pretty much any drug, check out . Just a suggestion for pretty much anyone who wants to write about drugs but has no personal experience. If I'm wrong, and you DO have personal experience, then I think you just have to work on your wording. Tripping on coke? Hallucinations on weed? These things just don't happen. Once in a blue moon, someone might have a minor hallucination on weed, but it's really, really, really, really, really rare. Um, that's about it. |
leemya chapter 7 . 3/23/2006 Hi, I really like your story. Please continue! You write pretty well. Hope to see more, soon! Take Care |
aims80 chapter 7 . 8/26/2004 Very interesting so far. :) |
wacka dkid chapter 6 . 6/4/2003 the story is great so far... but shawn in charge? please tell me he grows up fast or isnt as shallow as he seems. please? hope you update soon -krissa |
Devi Lethe chapter 6 . 5/22/2003 Interesting twist. Dr. Goebel seems a tad cheesy. So does the transference of leadership. Perhaps Shawn could come into his role as leader without announcement and slowly. Just a suggestion. Other then that, great new chapter. |
Becca chapter 1 . 3/13/2003 Hey, I just finished reading the first chapter. It's really long! :) I'm going to read it all but I'm busy at the moment. I really liked it. I love the whole out- cast-kinda-people- saving-the-world theme. Thinkin' of getting it [published? ~ Becca |
Aura chapter 6 . 3/11/2003 this story is fascinating. (especailly cuz i have a necklace that fits one of the necklaces.) i love this story, keep it up! *lindsey* (you can email me if ya want!) |
poor-ophelia chapter 6 . 3/2/2003 yay! I finally get to review! I have been trying to review for so long, and I know you were only waiting for the right number of reviews, you chapter hog! but now onto what Ireally wanted to say. This story is brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I love the whole Latent phsycic abilities idea, and the fact that it protects you from unseen dangers. This story is by far one of my favorites, with all the dynamic characters and the fantastic plot, I just can't stop reading, that is, unless you don't post.*stares at screen and makes her angry face* so post, or I will call my uncle giedo from cicilly and he will take care of it.J/K, I'm kidding. this chapter was fantastic. I love how it's going. so post the next chappie soon! |
Alio Laski chapter 6 . 2/27/2003 Wicked! -; I wish cool stuff like this could happen to me. At least my life'd be interesting. Really really cool! _ ~TBH (unincorporated) |
Bailey chapter 6 . 2/24/2003 Ah. the dumb jock kid is the leader (doesn't like the dumb jock kid all that much) kinda dissapointing, but oh well. As long as he doesn't end up with the goth like in the faculty. that would suck. Any way good story. Write more, please. |
KristyASoroka chapter 6 . 2/23/2003 Excellent you finally got the gist of the story going. Continue soon! _ |
melia chapter 6 . 2/23/2003 I love this story. The summary made me think of "The Faculty", so I started reading, and now I'm hooked. I love the way you explained where all the people were coming from and the fact that they're all so different. This is amazing work, and I can't wait to find out what happens next! |
Della C chapter 6 . 2/23/2003 My fskin' downstairs computer won't let me SIGN ON! BAH! Gaile! tis SWEET! 'course, if the bullet had punctured his lungs, he'd not have been able to "sigh" at that one point. it would degenerate into the coughing up of blood and. ew. I won't think of that. *twitchshudder* The Gems are a little wierd, and it seems kind of sudden, but I guess sudden is what these kids are feeling so it's all good. wiggid. tch. Time for Della to jump jump. I will SIGN a review for chapter 7, I PROMISE! ja! |
Choco Cow chapter 6 . 2/23/2003 YAY that was .somehow it's always stones. But it was realy good, and I hope it doesn't take you forever like it did last time. :-P |
Jeremy chapter 6 . 2/22/2003 YAY! NEW CHAPTER! im really enjoying this and definetly getting into the story, good job :-D |