Reviews for A Box of Old Converse Sneakers
maggie chapter 1 . 3/15/2006
holy shit, the 911 call made me cry.

R.I.P. River Jude Phoenix."If only this Phoenix could be reborn from his ashes."

Faithless Juliet chapter 1 . 2/1/2005
River's death was such a tragedy, and the Phoenix family themselves is always intresting to read about. I like this, I think that both River and Joaquin would up the good work.

Much love,Juliet.
Penguin Empress chapter 1 . 1/3/2005
*sniff* That was so sad. You're an amazing author. I just love this story. You should write more. Definately. Hey, you're a Joaquin obsessee? Me too. Go here and take my quiz/story on :TheArcherOfMirkwood's Quizzes!The Fallen From My Pheonix one is the Joaquin one. He'll come along in later chapters. PLease feel free to click there and take my quizzes and just generally poke around on Quizilla! Thanks!Penguin Empress
Ren85 chapter 1 . 1/30/2003
This was really amazing. It's one of those rare stories that makes you pause and think. you are amazing
Arayuldawen chapter 1 . 8/24/2002
this was great. I really think this portrayed what he was thinking after his brothers death. This was really detailed and everything. This is definitely going on my favorites list.

genericpoemsfromthenoughts chapter 1 . 8/13/2002
Do you know how incredible you are? That was amazing. I don't know how you get into people's minds and make sense of their thoughts like that, but you're one of the most talented writers on . I'm going to add you to my favorite authors list. Keep on writing, and never stop. You have a talent.

By the way, I think River would have liked that :)
Guest chapter 1 . 8/8/2002
beautifully written, and honest...very true to feelings of losing someone.