Reviews for You're My Everything
Jamie chapter 34 . 7/31/2003
I love this story. I love it. I haven't been reviewing every chapter, but I've reviewed a few times. I love this story it so so beautiful and well written.


Yamille chapter 34 . 7/30/2003
-fly tackles- This is so cool! You have to keep on! please? XD Im addicted to this fic or something. My parents are trying to fing out how to block this web. -innovent smile- I have no idea why though. Anyway, please update soon! -takes out poster that says #1 fan-
Zia Aizan chapter 34 . 7/30/2003
Aw, I like the ending. I read it a second time after I had downloaded Aslyn's song and while I listened to the song I was reading your story and it made your scene seem so magical and romantic. Nice.
Ailie-Rose chapter 34 . 7/29/2003

chaps 33 and 34 were good...I'm glade they are talking again Ok well See you next chapter...
katie chapter 34 . 7/29/2003
yay they made up:D happy happy. another wonderful chapter like always :D
spurs0405champs chapter 34 . 7/29/2003
Alrighty, I just spent about...oh three hours, reading the whole thing from start to finish. And you know what? I loved it! The thing I like the most about it is the way Jen's personality evolved from the beginning to now. You can really see the change in her and it's great writing. I also think that the relationship between Josh and Jen is well written. I mean sometimes when you read about other relationships, they either seem to mushy and gross or totally fake...or both. But this one really kept a nice balance and the best part of it is that I can see that kind of relationship in real life (you can't not a have relationship where you don't disagree or just doesn't work that way). The only weird thing for me is when Josh calles Jen "princess"...I dunno. It's sweet and everything...but kind of awkward. Maybe it's just me (it's me most of the time). But keep up the great writing and I can't wait to read more.
buffy black chapter 34 . 7/29/2003
great chapter! I LOVED IT! it was so sweet write more!
dancer chick chapter 34 . 7/29/2003
Agh, I love it! So beautiful! Very well written. I absolutely love your characters. Update again soon!
quotata chapter 34 . 7/29/2003
aw SO SWEET~! -.-;

i love that song. i've never heard it though but the lyrics sound great...
Padfoot101 chapter 34 . 7/29/2003
aw! I ABSOLUTELY loved this chapter! I am so glad that they worked things out, and I can't wait to see what happens next! Hope you update soon!

trapped in a box chapter 34 . 7/28/2003
Wow. That's all I have to say. I haven't posted any reviews before this, so let me just say that I think this story is awesome. I really enjoyed this chapter a lot. I was so happy when Josh showed up at the prom. I thought that was so sweet! I look forward to reading the next couple of chapters you write. Keep up the good work!

veggiegrl chapter 34 . 7/28/2003
*tears* wow... very very very good... *crys again* wonderful! *crys even more* great wrk! update asap!
Faded Soulfire chapter 34 . 7/28/2003
I have nothing bad to say. This chapter brought a smile to my face and made we want to read on. It was well written and I'm so glad that Jen and Josh apologized, because ALL couples do fight...but like you said, its unhealthy if their the perfect fight. Even my married relatives still fight and complain over little things. Oh, I think I am going to cry with only about two chapters left. I've loved this story so much that I can't imagine it being over...*tear tear* but it was great, and I really hope you consider in writing another fic possibly.?

Well, I g2g. Bye.

Faded Soulfire
inconsequential me chapter 34 . 7/28/2003
aw! wonderful chapter! Loved it!
inconsequential me chapter 33 . 7/28/2003
AHH! Boo! No fights! heh, you're right, healthy relationship, but stillheh...

excellent job. :)
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