Reviews for You're My Everything
Cryptic Insanity chapter 32 . 7/16/2003
Aw, this story is good enough to be a movie XD and this chapter was so cute XD

Update soon!
Yamille chapter 31 . 7/15/2003
To say the turth I had given up you posting after the chapter: Never try to outmaster the master. And somewhy I never checked my favorite stories. But when I finally saw it I was so glad you did update. I loved this last chapter! Please review soon. I evenn put a sticky on my fridge and pc to remind me of reading... XD
eva chapter 31 . 7/11/2003
well dani ur story is awesome i am so hooked to it already u just have to update please!the characters are really realistic and u describe them and their emotions and everything really good i cant wait to see what happens...maybe her mom will find some rich guy for her to marry and she wont want to ...or maybe her mom will marry a rich guy and she'll have to move...or maybe...well,i'll just wait and see what ending you come up with but whatever it turns out to be i'm positive that it will be awesome!keep updating!and soon!
DramaQueen77 chapter 31 . 7/7/2003
Great chapter! I liked the way Jen told Josh that she loved him. It's great that he's back in baseball. Well great chapter and I hope ya update soon!
no more airplanes chapter 31 . 7/6/2003
yay!she loves him! she said it! thankyouthankyouthankyou...update soon!
quotata chapter 31 . 7/6/2003
yay she finally said it~!
buffy black chapter 31 . 7/4/2003
OH MY GOISH! that was YOUR BEST CHAPTER EVER! i loved it! it ROCKED! it had so much feeling and yeah it rocked1
katie chapter 31 . 7/4/2003
omg this story is so cute, right now it is 3:08 in the morning and i have been up all night reading your story. How "princess" told josh and everything that happened with it was so cute, I was bouncing up and down and squeling and trying not to wake up my parents at the same time. Anyway about the rest of the story i really enjoyed it. I cried at Anna's funera. Also i liked the way that when you felt that some of the chapters seemed very unimportant sounding you explained their relevance to the story i really liked that.:) keep writing.~I CANT BELIVE THAT JK ROWLING KILLED OFF SIRUS HE WAS THE COOLEST CHARECTER SHE HAD. I CRIED TO!:( (KEEP WRITING)
dancer chick chapter 31 . 7/3/2003
Aw! Yay! God, that was great! You have no idea how you've made my day. No, I've had a really sucky day, and now I feel all happy and fluttery and so glad for Josh! He is so awesome! This story is so awesome! Update ASAP!
the-black-kitty chapter 31 . 7/3/2003
o perfect chapter! She finally told him she loves him! I had a feeling she'd tell him at the game. lol, well great story, please keep updating!
MelanieJan chapter 31 . 7/3/2003
That was amazing. I think Josh and Jen are perfect for each other. I cant' wait to read more, so please update as soon as you can. :D:D:D
Rei chapter 31 . 7/3/2003
Aww...that chapter was awesome - Very cute way for Jen to tell Josh how she loved him. Update soon!
inconsequential me chapter 31 . 7/3/2003
aww...very much so adorable. loved teh chapter! kudos.
Ailie-Rose chapter 31 . 7/3/2003
Ok She Finnaly Said It that Was a good Chapter Sad,funny Cute And she said "I LOVE YOU" Ok I'm Over it now...I'm Glad Mark went to Anna's Grave...Now can Find another young lady To fall in love with (and yeah It's true yopu never forget ya first love) any way See you next Chapter Meg...
the-black-kitty chapter 18 . 7/3/2003
*adds to favorite stories list* I really wanna read the rest, but seeing as it's 1:15 AM, I should probably wait until later. Anyways, you have a really great story here, spectacular plot, characters, and most of all writing skills! I can seriously see this being made into a movie [based on the book once you publish it]. I'd buy tickets!
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