Reviews for You're My Everything
sapofbks2008 chapter 31 . 7/2/2003
I loved this chapter. It was one ofthe best you've written. I can't wait for more to come.
Jess chapter 31 . 7/2/2003
Can't wait to read more! This chp is really good! (_)
Alpha chapter 31 . 7/2/2003
that was THE GREATEST THING EVER, i think that was the best i love u scene i've ever read! it was so sweat, i always liked the fact that she didnt just said i love u back cuz he said it to her, this was way sweeter, and was totally worth the wait!

hurrah to u

Chelsea Plum chapter 1 . 7/2/2003
I loved this chapter! This story is turing out to be one of my favorites! I absolutely LOVE it! I hope you update soon! LOVE the story!

Phoebs chapter 31 . 7/2/2003
Really great chapter! I liked how you chose for Jen to say I love you. Update soon!
Cryptic Insanity chapter 31 . 7/2/2003
I have one word for this chapter:


Dude, that was so sweet. Almost to the point of making me gag. But that's a good thing D

Keep up the good work!
Faded Soulfire chapter 31 . 7/2/2003
Hey, don't you ever think of giving up. This is a great story and you are a great writer. I loved this chapter, and I'm not lying to you either. The way you had Jen tell Josh that she loved him was so extremely adorable. Trust me, this was a fantastic chapter and don't you ever think that your chapters aren't good enough. This chapter is DEFINITELY good enough. So, now that you have my opinion, you leave me a very happy reviewer. You even made me cry at the grave scene with Mark and Jen. Many ppl can't do that to me- make me cry. And I give you props for being able to do so...

Now, get motivated and write another chapter soon! I'm sure its going to be great.

Much Love, Faded Soulfire
sara chapter 29 . 7/1/2003
YOU WROTE MORE! **grin/beam**
Ailie-Rose chapter 30 . 6/30/2003
Hi Again,

Everytime you say it wasn't great i think to myself "yes it was I enjoyed it" Anway Hope the next chapter comes soon Meg...
buffy black chapter 30 . 6/30/2003
this chapter was good, alltho you havehad better chapters. i like it! your very telented
lydia chapter 30 . 6/29/2003
man, i love this story! its so sweet! i wish i had a josh! when will jen say " i love you" to josh? it better be in a super cute way. i have this whole image in my head about how something great will happen and she'll whisper it to him in his ear... sorry, hopeless romantic is me. keep writing and PLEASE update soon!
DramaQueen77 chapter 30 . 6/29/2003
I don't think it's a bad chapter, it just went by fast for me.

I wonder what happened between Will and his mom. I think it's something to do with money.

Since his mom loves money.

Hope ya update soon! Good chapter.
caity chapter 13 . 6/29/2003
babypookie chapter 30 . 6/28/2003
yayy! i'm glad josh is going to play baseball again :D:D:D:D! lol i understand why you werent in the mood to write this chapter. the ending of the fifth harry potter book was so sad! goodness i cried so much too. lol i ended up crying for the rest of the night and crying myself to sleep. :(:(:(:( but anyways, i'm looking forward to the next chapter :D:D:D good job on the story so far!
quotata chapter 30 . 6/28/2003
er... YAY~! LoL...

the yelling was a bit over board i reckon but overall i still liked the chapter~! )

seriously, i ment the "Yay" the "er.." was just for the talking bout motherwedding gowns bit... not the weddign gowns they sound lovely...but yess you know what i mean~! (don't you?)

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