Reviews for Differences
Erica N chapter 13 . 8/21/2010
OH NO IT GOT STOP *TEAR* wa ok ok im calm, alright, i shall wait for the next one. That track is ur not so good key to life, you should quit it if you don't like it that much :)

CANT WAIT HURRY UP AND FINISH _- ok da is it for now..giggly in the morning and i FINISH through 13 just this morning also Lol
Erica N chapter 1 . 8/20/2010
This is better than the other slash one. :) But you have issue with spelling, I see so many misspell. It is like black not back or too not to Lol etc...just need some betaing..
klamydiaa chapter 13 . 2/10/2008
Excuse me.

Can you please update.

And, no.

I am not begging.

Just... asking. xD

Shutup. xD

Now I feel like I'm talking to myself.

Brians so adorable.

And I'm surprised.

I've not seen a "Brain"


Though I might've missed one.

Gravilove19 chapter 13 . 1/7/2007
I can't wait to see what happens. :XD
KaleLongsworth chapter 13 . 12/26/2006
I can't wait to see how the dinner turns out! I really like this story, keep up the great work!
Half-BloodGrlPirate chapter 12 . 10/6/2006
WooHoo! I like Adam's sister she's seems really cool. And I LOVE Mark. I wish Brian was going out with him. But you'd think that after being anally(sp?) raped, he'd be homophobic, hmm, guessnot. Plus, it's all for the best. You are absolutely great.

Half-BloodGrlPirate chapter 10 . 10/6/2006
This was hilarious seriously good job.

But I want Brian and Mark to hook up they seem like they'd be such the cutest couple.


No, but I'm serious, for a gay couple, they'd look pretty good together.

Good Job!,

Half-BloodGrlPirate chapter 9 . 10/6/2006
HEY! This one was awesome, I gotta say that out of all the chapters I've read so far, you did great at this one. It was funny when Brittany got to calm down just with her facial expresion. Good Job! Seriously.

Half-BloodGrlPirate chapter 3 . 10/5/2006
Naw man, I seriously loved this chapter. It was funny when you said the part about all the perverted parts in Disney Movies. Yeah, I didn't notice those parts until my big brother pointed the out to us. Yeah and well, I hate Brian's mom. It's kinda messed up that she kicked him out just because he's gay. Alrighty gotta go and read more bye!

Geo Chocorua chapter 13 . 9/4/2006
Hey. Great story. though it is hard to tell what'll happen next.. love that in a story. i hope you continue it soon. it is one of the best ive read in a while. and the characters are well developed. congrats. though maybe if you did something to signify when you're changeing which character you doing or if its a different part in each chapter, itd be easier to follow.. though i still liked it. bye.
bR0k3N chapter 13 . 6/18/2006
bR0k3N chapter 11 . 6/18/2006
o0o0 nice chapter
bR0k3N chapter 10 . 6/18/2006
oh shit angry spanish man coming soon!
bR0k3N chapter 9 . 6/18/2006
bR0k3N chapter 8 . 6/18/2006
o0o0o0o0 lol
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