Reviews for The Freezing Heat
Anna Vashdalal chapter 1 . 12/8/2002
Psst, Andy wants to "stregthen the bond" between her and Trevor. It's mostly implied but that's a few chapters down the road. Sorry to use review space like this.
Lippy chapter 1 . 11/15/2002
Aw, dude i owe you so many reviews that it isn't even funny. But I've never seen Newsies, so it's hard to review that. Anywa, This poem is sad. I feel bad for you. But you are a good writer. I have said before I say it again. Anyway, if you ever write a story not based on Newsies, email me and I will be the first to review it. And if I ever see that movie I will review all of yours, I promise!
Nevada chapter 1 . 9/7/2002
that poem was really good! wow!
Peacha Girls chapter 1 . 8/31/2002
Aw, that's so sad! ::gives hug:: Cheer up! *Snof!*
Little Miss Shadow chapter 1 . 8/28/2002
Very well put.