Reviews for An Insane Moment
Vana E chapter 1 . 10/28/2002
I was reduced to tears. I don't know how, I read over it again and again and it gives me the same response. What's wrong with me? Has my icy bitchiness finally swayed under such a moving poem? I read it yet again and more tears come. What the heck have you done to me? you made me, that's scary.
vikki-bloom chapter 1 . 9/13/2002
I love this. Its so sad! omg! You hav usually hav 2 search around for work like this! You should write more of this stuff its great!

Demonic-Kiwi chapter 1 . 9/13/2002
That's a very distressing poem, yet sad and beautiful. Your imagery is astounding and I love your use of adjectives, metaphors and similies.

It's a lovely poem :) you almost made your very own distressed grapefruit cry against her will you know. But I like it.

Thankyou for posting it and well done for another brilliant entry!


Your Very Own Distrssed Grapefruit
Lisa Robinson chapter 1 . 9/10/2002
Wow, Very good poem! Excellentness! If you find the time please check out my poem 'Somewhere to Start' Thanks!