Reviews for Forever Mine
Bee chapter 10 . 5/7/2003
*sniffles and reaches for a tissue* You are a really great writer, I can honnestly say that the ending brought me to tears. I didn't exactly favor it...But I have to give it to you, it was really good. *Is gonna be depressed for a while now* Its not often that I willingly read something that I know will be sad, but hey, after the first chapter, I was hooked. Your abilities as a writer a remarkable! I absolutly love it. Good work!
Saturn Angels chapter 10 . 5/2/2003
Vale: ;_; I loved that so's just all so...sad. a-and perfect ;_; but why did he have to die? HIS STUPID FATHER! *sniffle, shudder, cry* And they could've lived happily together...and had lots of sex mwah. but back to the point- ... ;_; this is THE best yaoi story ever. I LOVE IT!

Fantasy Girl: ;_; And I thought that I would read a happy...erotic story. with a good ending. *SNIFFLE!* but just had to kill Otori... *sob*

Thor: o_o woah...that was...awesome! Do you have any others... I'll check right now.

Tomoe: GREAT JOB! EXCELLENT! SUPERB! ...UNBELIEVABLE! WOW! BRAVO! _ *clap* and it makes me feel all melancholic and stuff...

Vince: O_O holy $hit that was some cool shit. I just-woah. excellent, it's really cool! I'm gonna print it again! and again...and again..
Ruff Luv chapter 10 . 4/12/2003
Whoa...very very nice. Everything about it just gives me chills. A work of art.
Mishapen Adonis chapter 1 . 4/12/2003
You killed him! ;_; You are difficult to forgive for that. Please excuse me while I distract myself with morphine binge so I can stop crying.

I liked the story, but there are some issues with the present indicative that get confusing.

Itto sholud fuck Yuki and Otori should be alive to watch. That is all I have to say.
julie chapter 10 . 4/7/2003
that was excellent, touching, and in my personal a opinion, exceptionally well written, have you made any new ones, I'd love to read and review them:)

the plot was great the sex scenes were great, what can I say it was great. and two of my best friends are gay and I just think that it's really cool you wrote something that life-like. no problems during the story, no comments on how it can be improved.

It was expertly written and I hope to read more...thats it, I decided this story was one of the best I've ever read, including my own...

That Firefly Chick chapter 10 . 4/5/2003
This is, like, the saddest story ever. I was crying at the end. ;_; Oh, it's great. You did a wonderful, wonderful job with writing it.
Cardinal Crab chapter 10 . 4/3/2003

why did he have to die?

i need new buckets... the ones over here are full..

pls write another, and make sure he desn't die!
EmeraldEyes89 chapter 10 . 3/30/2003
That was really good...But it never says what happened to Itto's little brother...Does he get a job too...or love cliffhangers...hehe..well that was a really good story...if you decide to do anytype of sequel to it let me know.
IPOR chapter 10 . 3/21/2003
That was...really wicked of you. Now I AM going to cry like a little baby and sit up all night screaming "why?" but you don't care do you? :P Just teasing, of course. I used to write nothing BUT tragic yaoi, but once the site shut down its nc seventeen section, bye-bye the good ones went! If you're interested, I've done a series of very happily-ended stories (called "I Believe in Happy Endings" of course) that's total yaoi. Of course, they only END happily, and the middle is twisted with angst and pain. My tragic yaoi days have come to an end. I had to many people crying, I guess. Like you just did to me! Well, now that I've finished reading your story and I've missed many hours of sleep, I guess I should go to bed. Even watching yaoi anime won't cheer me up right now. But it was very excellent, all of it great. The trial would have been difficult to write, so I understand that you left it out. This really was a great ending, even though it hurts almost physicaly when you get into a story like that. As an author, though, I have nary a qualm about doing those things to MY characters, so I won't blame you a bit! I'll check up on more of your writing later, if you've got more yaoi. Thanks again for a great, thrilling read. Your adoring fan, Aria of the Will.
IPOR chapter 9 . 3/21/2003
NONONONONNONONONO! If using profanity wouldn't get me kicked off this site (yet again) then I'd curse a blue streak! If something bad-in a permanent way-happens, I'll just cry all night! And don't you DARE diss the lemon! It was beautiful, and definitely worth the lost sleep. Oh, please be okay, please be okay, please be okay...
IPOR chapter 8 . 3/21/2003
Now see what you've done? An hour later, Aria crawls out of bed cursing. Can't sleep...must know what happens... gr haha Okay, okay. So I'm happy about it, all right! Who needs sleep, anyway, when there's a yaoi to be read? eh? not I! (*I might feel differently in the morning, but now I feel like reading the rest of your yaoi, watching some anime yaoi, and then writing some more on my own yaois...I shall never sleep again!*) thanks :P
IPOR chapter 7 . 3/21/2003
Well! Those were some blasted yummi lemmons, thank you very much! i know what you mean about getting around the u-know-what, too. I'm glad those two are together now. And I liked Yuki in this chapter a lot. I used to think of him as an annoyance, but he was kinda sweet here. Now I'd love to trot off and read the rest, but I've had my lemons so i think i can rest easy. I'll finish soon, promise, and review every chapter! Great story, and I'm liking it better every chapter! I hope their dad gets what's coming to him, the psycho!
IPOR chapter 6 . 3/21/2003
I haven't finished reading this chapter, but I'm gonna comment before I forget. The way Itto and Yuki were "pretending to be gay" sexy! wow...okay, gonna go read now! still enjoying this immensely!
IPOR chapter 5 . 3/21/2003
Yeah, I was gonna ask about sukebe. Now I get it! *smiles* I don't know a lot of Japanese. My yaoi are Korean-based. Well, I loved this chapter, too! I meant to get to bed an hour ago, but I can't stop reading! See how you've hooked me? Itto is really sweet. I'm thinking they're gonna FINALLY get together at this house they're renting, am I right? heh-heh. Let's go see...
IPOR chapter 4 . 3/21/2003
That was great! I love it...taking care of Oi I mean. Though I wish he'd just tell his dad enough is enough! What's up with that sicko, anyway? Having men follow the poor kid around? He must really 'want' him all right. SICKO!
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