Reviews for A Garden Not So Secret
AngstMuffin101 chapter 1 . 1/1/2004
Really nice work. Really tired at the moment, otherwise I would elaborate. Anyway, nice job, and since I read this, I'm being nice and reviewing it.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/7/2003
I see lots of promise here: good imagery, good choice of words, nice flow, AND your work is thoughtful and nicely crafted. Even if you don't feel that your work "measures up", remember that in the end it is all a matter of taste. It is good discipline to "learn the rules", and it is important to remember that rules are made to be broken. So far as I'm concerned, if your work has integrity and is true to your personal vision, it is good work. That kind of cohesiveness always shines through and carries a beauty, appeal and impact of its own.

Because poetry is so very subjective and personal, it can be difficult to evaluate - especially if it is your own. If you have doubts, or can't make it flow, or find yourself being hypercritical of your effort, don't automatically tear it up and throw it away. It might contain elements that would be perfect in another context, or it might be something that just needs to ripen a bit (years, sometimes) before it's ready to be finished.

Even if you aren't interested in "becoming a poet", poetry is a good exercise in "packing" your writing. By that I mean learning how to use brevity effectively. Haiku is an excellent example of this. You might want to check out .com, where they have a daily haiku "contest": they post a picture of some kind, and the challenge is to write a haiku that relates to the picture. The picture is different each day; the haiku are posted onsite for 24 hours and then disappear.

Keep up the good work, and remember that there are times when magic happens if you are able to "step aside" and just let it flow!
Alixis chapter 1 . 11/25/2002
Kaji girl, I love you poems

*pats you on the head*

you should post more here and let the world enjoy your poems

*hugs* take care

God bless