Reviews for The Shadow Warrior
Jamie like chapter 1 . 6/12/2003
What kind of morons bring guns to a knife fight eh?

I can see what you meant by lots of violence. That was nice, very nice indeed sir. You really do know how to write black humour quite well, don't you?
Steven Hildreth Jr chapter 1 . 4/2/2003
Great story. It's nice to finally see some action on this website, and NOT A BUNCH OF WANNABES WRITING FRICKIN' FANTASY IN THE FRICKIN' ACTION SECTION! Well, I'm done ranting and raving. Again, great action, can't wait to see more.
Alma Manchada chapter 1 . 10/26/2002
Interesting. I saw the Humor in the genre and was a little weary but this was good. I hope you keep up with this story.
Dark Side Luke too lazy to sign in chapter 1 . 10/14/2002
Copious amounts of blood, indeed! It's been a while since I read a truly violent story (usually I write them and get frowned upon by classmates *shrugs*) Anyway, well written and entertaining. The touches of humor are always welcome in such pieces of writing. I look forward to future chapters.

MsgBoardHobo chapter 1 . 10/4/2002
LoL! Not much of a plot so far, but unbelievably likeable!

Keep it up, probably the best story on this damn site so far. Kind of like

Old Japanese saying: You must look long time find golden apple in bunch rotten apple.

Or... something like that :)

Dont even think Japs have apples...
T-MUNY chapter 1 . 9/30/2002
Nice... I enjoy the humor. Keep up the good work.