*A new point of view, and something COMPLETELY different*
"What on earth happened to this sweater? Katie hasn't even had it for a week and already it's filthy!" Juli, Katie's mother said as she went through the laundry. There was gravy, and slight traces of purple on that sweater. "Do you really want to know what happened to me?" a voice said. "Who said that?" juli said, very scarred not knowing where the voice came from. "I did! You have no idea how rough this day has been." The sweater said. Juli looked at the sweater, "You, you're talking to me! You're a sweater!" "Look," the sweater began yelling, "Do you want to know what happened to me or not?" Juli nodded and sat down on a laundry basket. "Well, she had this project due. So she was carrying that, and some of the colors rubbed off on to me! Her and her friend tried to get it off. It worked a little bit, but you can still see it. Then they served something with gravy at lunch! And well the gravy of some other kids lunch ended up on me. Then I was sticky and dirty all day! Oh, I was horrible! People were laughing and making fun of me! I didn't like it at all. Then when she got home she threw me in the hamper. And well, then you found me here in the laundry room." Juli nodded, grabbed the sweater, and threw it in the washing machine. The sweater never spoke again.
"What on earth happened to this sweater? Katie hasn't even had it for a week and already it's filthy!" Juli, Katie's mother said as she went through the laundry. There was gravy, and slight traces of purple on that sweater. "Do you really want to know what happened to me?" a voice said. "Who said that?" juli said, very scarred not knowing where the voice came from. "I did! You have no idea how rough this day has been." The sweater said. Juli looked at the sweater, "You, you're talking to me! You're a sweater!" "Look," the sweater began yelling, "Do you want to know what happened to me or not?" Juli nodded and sat down on a laundry basket. "Well, she had this project due. So she was carrying that, and some of the colors rubbed off on to me! Her and her friend tried to get it off. It worked a little bit, but you can still see it. Then they served something with gravy at lunch! And well the gravy of some other kids lunch ended up on me. Then I was sticky and dirty all day! Oh, I was horrible! People were laughing and making fun of me! I didn't like it at all. Then when she got home she threw me in the hamper. And well, then you found me here in the laundry room." Juli nodded, grabbed the sweater, and threw it in the washing machine. The sweater never spoke again.