It was all coming back to me so fast. The plan was simple. At the end I'd escape all this misery and finally find happiness. Or was happiness an impossibility? Of course. The dream slipped away. All that's left are the memories and reality. The painful reality...

I was such a fool. Trying to run away from it all. That's what I've done my entire life. Erasing the past, running from the present, reaching for a future that was impossible. But I had a plan. One last escape. One last, desperate escape from reality.

Despite not being conscious I saw it all. I looked like I was asleep, dancing on the thin line between life and death, playfully contemplating a reality that could never be. But for the time being it WAS reality. I was finally happy in that reality. But I should've known that that reality was an impossibility. I tried to escape reality but failed...

The demons chased me even in my dreams. I was pulled away from my reality, my dream, suddenly. I saw it all. The doctors, the police, my family, all surrounding my dreaming body. Doctors arguing about the dangers of bringing me back. Police talking about minors' rights. Of course in the end I was awakened.


I'm running like I never have before. I don't even know what direction I'm going in but I just needed to run. Running faster, tiring, but pushing myself even more. Finally I slipped and embraced the hard concrete. The raindrops pounding my head, liquid punches. Slowly I get up, my face bloody. Looking back at the house, I realize escape was impossible by any other means. I'm such a coward.

Always escaping, always running away, I wish I could redo my life. Too late for that. But I had the solution in my pocket. Cold, lifeless steel touched my warm, bloody hand. This was it...


I always knew that I couldn't live all my life running away. I was right. Freedom was so brief for me. But this freedom is forever.