In a world where dragons collide…

In a place where mystical beings exist…

In a time when kingdoms seek might…

In a sword imbued with the power of obliteration…

In a book which tells the tale of truth…

In a young mercenary's heart enveloped by fate…

He finds the answers…


Welcome to the world of ZERO DRAGON


Author note:

I have always hoped that, one day, I would see this novel materialize into a popular anime or a video game. Unfortunately, I was born a simple man with neither tools nor links to make this into reality. However, I do not fret, for I know that somehow, I was blessed with the capacity to imagine and the ability put these thoughts into writing to be able to share it with other people. That's why I'm here in FictionPress.

First and foremost, I would like to extend my utmost thanks to you for choosing to read my online novel. Zero Dragon, technically, is my second novel (second to Eternal Finale, which I completed at 2001). I started writing this in 2002; however, due to unavoidable personal matters to which I have to attend to (college / sigh /), I left the story hanging by the early start of the second book – Episode 15.

And so, after massive proof reading, intertwining loose ends, and revising the plot into a more concise one yet maintaining its overall vivacity with the help of previous reviews I have received, I have decided to re-upload Zero Dragon to FictionPress.

For those who have read the story previously, you are very welcomed to re-read it once more. Several revisions have been made.

One of which is the uploading format. Instead of uploading the whole bunch of text / episode into one file, I opted to break them into chapters. This was to accommodate your reviews readily (instead of presenting each one to you 20+ pages at once) and also to maintain its readability (so many words at once surely can make it tad hard to comprehend, eh?).

Next, grammar checks :-) (I'd have to thank my girlfriend Meia for this one!). I have received quite a number of reviews pointing out the "jumping tenses". I must admit that it is truly one of my greatest weakness in fiction writing (which is a 'mortal sin' by the way), but I've been working on that one intensely. Still, even a little help shall be graciously welcomed.

Speaking lines and some scenes have been changed too. For instance, Mignard's speaking lines were re-made to make them consistent with his status as prince (eg. "You are unforgivable!" instead of "Damn it, you wretch!"). The Nemethia Mercenaries will have a more active role in the story as well compared to the previous installation. Names of a few dragon artifacts were changed too (eg. Sacred Dragon to Healing Dragon, Sorcery Dragon to Reversal Dragon, Astral Dragon to Materialization Dragon, etc.). Some major plot were revised as well, for instance, the La Flance Bandit Liberation episode.

Once again, thank you very much! In case you have questions, comments, suggestions, or you wanted to point out some errors I may have missed, feel free to leave a review. My author notes would be posted on my personal blog (http // hiro-0911 . blogspot . com) or my FP profile page. I'd do my best to credit everyone with my sincerest thanks.

Check out the Official Zero Dragon Website for more info about my fiction. Aside from FAQs, feel free to browse through my artworks/CGs of the characters of ZD. I also uploaded original mp3s and midis made by me.

h t t p // w w w . angelfire . c o m / rpg2/ zerodragon

( Just remove the spaces in between. For some reason, website hyperlinks do not upload correctly here in FictionPress.)



Link to Episode 1: Bandit Nemesis – Zero Strikes!

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